Title: Adventure and Monsters
Characters: Zack Fair [Child] (
littleblkpuppy), OPEN
When: Late morning
Where: Zanarkand Ruins, Outside the Dome
Warnings: Little Zack is in danger!
Summary: A child Zack finds himself in the Ruins, and decides to see it as an adventure, but adventures have their dangers, even for kids.
Please save the little Zack. )
Comments 33
A blur, a flash, a streak of feathers, as Chocobo leapt from her perch at the monster that was sneaking up on the poor, defenseless chicobo. She wouldn't let it!
Stab! Slash! "WARK!" She pinned it under her weight, raking at it with talons vengefully. Wouldn't hurt the chicobo!
"Hey, thanks. I guess this means I owe you now." He told the chocobo, fishing around his pockets to see if he had anything for her and pouted when he didn't find anything. He wanted to thank the chocobo somehow for helping him out, but what could he give her other then...well, it would have to do right? With a confident hand, he reached out his hand to give the chocobo some petting. Or atleast he pet where he could reach. "Thank you for your help."
What she didn't expect to hear was the sound of a monster. In defensive mode already, Tifa pulled out her leather gloves, slipping them on. She was only a few feet away... when she came up on the monster, she was taken aback by the sight of the little kid. Immediately she thought back to Denzel or Marlene, and her eyes narrowed.
A cry of force, two punches and a well-placed roundhouse kick sent the monster flying back, landing on the ground motionless.
"WOAH! That was so cool!" He exclaimed, the grin on his face bright. He wondered if this woman could teach him a thing or two.
"Can you show me how to do that too?"
It was then that she turned to the little kid, leaning over to look at him. He did look familiar, black spiky hair reminding her of someone long ago. "Maybe... you really want to learn, hm?"
"So can you teach me, huh? Please?" He asked, putting on his best puppy dog face with pout and all, and even putting his hands together in that pretty please manner. It was a tactic he had used on adults many times, and in most cases it seemed to work.
Christmas Town had been great! Snow, lights, all sorts of really interesting things! Well, it had been fun, just... maybe not as fun as it could have been with a certain couple of other people. Raijin would admit. He missed them already. And was more than a little confused as to what was exactly going on. One minute there was snow, and the next there was... um... stuff. Ruins. And most certainly not a clue as to what was going on.
Part of being a cadet, if not SeeD was, at least, to look out for people. That was the first priority. And some kid about to get snacked on? So not Raijin's idea of what needed to happen.
"Duck, kid!" the boy shouted, barreling down the bridge intersecting, volleying off a thundaga to strike the thing, if nothing else, back. Which worked and left enough time to come flying down on it with a well-placed strike of his staff. The thing didn't seem real tough.
When the strike had finished, he slowly looked up to see what had happened.
"Alright! Not too shabby!" Then his head was turning to glance at the kid. "Hey, you shouldn't be by yourself, ya know! Could get hurt."
He didn't have anything other than the knife he carried just in case, but it would have to do. The training he received from his days in SOLDIER took over and he leap up, knife stabbing deep into the monster's body. It shirked madly, trying to throw Rain off but he got another few stabs in and it fell still. Well, at least he wasn't getting rusty.
"Gaia, what are you doing out by yourself?" Rain asked, wiping the gore off his knife. "You need to be more care---" The words died in his mouth and his mako-blue eyes widened in shock. Dear Gaia, there was no way this was happening.
"All I did was go outside. I don't know how I got here, but I can take care of myself, cause I'm gonna be a SOLDIER someday!" After getting that out of his system, the little Zack could no longer hold back the grin that wished to invade his lips.
"You're really a SOLDIER, aren't you?" He pauses to take in the man's outfit. "Hey, if your a SOLDIER, why are you dressed like a hobo?"
"You're not a SOLDIER now and you could get killed if you're not careful!" He replied with a slight eye roll. Kids always thought they were unstoppable. The two questions out of his younger self's mouth made him sigh out in annoyance. "No I am not a SOLDIER or a hobo."
But...she wanted to explore, and told herself that if she was careful and didn't wander too far, that Terra wouldn't have anything to worry about. She just wanted a look around, that's all.
At some point, she spotted a boy up ahead...and a monster that was stalking him. Eep. "Look out!" Quickly, she headed over until she was within range, then cast Hold. After that, she raised her Ice Rod and sent a powerful blast of ice magic toward the beast.
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