So in my long quest to get in better shape and to lose weight, I decided to buy the
Insanity DVD set. In the past 4 and a half years, I've been on this personal quest to take care of myself. In my journey, I have re-discovered the joy of running and other basic exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges. After going through this journey the last few years on my own, I realized I needed to do something beyond my basic routine. Enter Insanity.
The first day of Insanity is the Fit Test.
The Fit Test is comprised of 8 different exercises: Switch Kicks, Power Jacks, Power Knees, Power Jumps, Globe Jumps, Suicide Jumps, Push-up Jacks, and Low Plank Obliques.
You have to do as many reps of each exercise in one minute with about a minute rest in between each exercise. I thought that with the amount of moderate exercise I had been doing the last few years that I would be able to hang with the fit test. I was wrong.
Here are my results: 55 reps (2 kicks=1 rep) of Switch Kicks; 45 Power Jacks; 66 Power Knees; 25 Power Jumps; 7 Globe Jumps; 10 Suicide Jumps; 23 Push-up Jacks; 40 Low Plank Obliques.
I have to confess that I had to re-start the Switch Kicks as I lost count in the first 20 seconds. I also had to pause the DVD a couple of times during the rest period to catch my breath. I also don't think I held form with the Switch Kicks. I also don't think I had correct form with the Suicide Jumps. I'm not used to jumping into the push-up position. I'm more used to easing into the push-up position.
I entered the program with a lot of enthusiasm, and after the first day, I'm still very enthusiastic. I think that this is really going to kick my butt, but I'm still very excited to see what the next 59 days will bring.