WINK UP 2010.05

May 03, 2010 18:10

WINK UP 2010.05

credit: shatteredtenshi
Something sweet

Seeing the pancake which is prepared for the interval of taking photos, Uchi seemed to be in high spirits: “Could I eat it?”. But after eating both banana chocolate and strawberry cream, he turned to be in low spirits: “In my mouth, it’s excessively sweet …~”. (laugh).  Let’s see how Uchi himself made comments about his personality. And just as one thought, the result is…?

(The shilly-shallying part in me)

I always keep shilly-shallying, and then I absolutely can’t become the model for girls (laugh). For example in the first date, I want the girl to decide everything. If I have to think myself, it will look puzzled.  I will say something like “Is it OK if I take you to French restaurant?” (Laugh). Oh, about the food I want to eat..! Because I want to eat the pasta made by Kame, I will go to Kame’s house (laugh). At that time, if I tell him “I’m hungry”, he will make pasta for me. And that dish is really delicious, Kame is also really kind-hearted. In former days, I thought he was a good guy, and after co-acting with him in drama “Yamato Nadeshiko..” I truly like him.  The way he thinks resembles me a lot. If he were a girl, and became my girlfriend, it would be great (Laugh).

(The handsome part in me)

No, I don’t have that part (laugh). This time the character in drama is totally different from me. When being asked that “How is that character?”, I usually try to divert the conversation because my role is a very handsome boy (laugh). Ordinarily I don’t act like that, but it’s just because I unconditionally can’t become such a boy like that (laugh). The staff used to talk to us that “This time, 4 guys are really suitable for the characters!”. When hearing such great compliments, I truly felt happy. But my character is not allowed to express feelings like that; it’s really hard to act this role!

(The actor in me)

The practice for butai “Guys and Dolls” will start from tomorrow. Because we still need to edit drama with a little bit more (collecting date in the middle of March), frankly I haven’t been able to focus on butai yet.  Yesterday, we made scenes indoors. Whenever I thought about goodbye-scenes, I felt so sad. While being confused with those sets, deep down in my heart I murmured something like “Thank you, dining room! Thank you, living room! See you again!” (laugh). But because the practice for butai will soon start, I have to renew my mind. Since this is the first time I have played the leading role in a butai, I feel full of nervousness. However, I’m also more reassured when Nishikiori-san stays beside me. Nevertheless, when we meet each other, he usually tells me something like “Uchi, the practice is going on and it’s almost done. From tomorrow we can perform on stage!” (laugh). I replied “Ehhh, you’re lying, aren’t you?”  Of course, it’s just a joke of Nishikiori-san. After “Playzone”, I feel happy to be able to work with Nishikiori-san again and I think I can learn a lot from him. 

mag: wink up

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