Election eve

Nov 03, 2008 21:04

So continuing off where I left off: I'll be voting tomorrow, and I'm VERY much looking forward to it. I won't presume to tell anyone how to vote, but I will throw out the acid test: "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Eight?" My personal answer is "Are you kidding? I can't remember to do my laundry, let alone what life was like 8 ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

mitej November 4 2008, 13:25:10 UTC
In response to the first question. 8 years ago I made less money but lived better and did not feel broke all the time.

By that simple measure the last 8 years have sucked, but as you pointed out thee are soooooo many other examples of our degeneration as a nation. to paraphrase an idiot "great job there bushy"


ubiquitousnewt November 4 2008, 13:49:32 UTC
8 years ago, I made about what I do now, and everything costed about 50% less. Everything. These people think we're so stupid that we don't know they're paying government's bills via auto-counterfeiting, or what that does to the dollar.


bitsycat1 November 4 2008, 13:32:10 UTC
A NEW PRESIDENT ISNT GOING TO CHANGE ANY OF THAT. If the democrats are elected look for an increase in senate oversite and a sudden interest in the personal affairs of Barack. Just like Clinton his associations and personal life will be put on trial. Likely within the first 2 years there will be ac ry for impeachment.( why) well because thats politics.
even Biden says there will be some sort of test... ( And likely 50 percent of the people are not going to like the results)
Likewise a lot of this mythology about Bush is the result of a campaign against him which is the democrats doing the same thing to him.( But Bush isn't running) He is Not up for election.
I saw where for the first time in 15 years neither a Clinton or a bush is running.
With the economy bad and Gas high no matter who is president.After the newness wears off they will be in trouble.( MCcain or Obama) either one is gong to have a really hard time


ubiquitousnewt November 4 2008, 13:46:29 UTC
Yes, he will. Maybe not all of it, but about half of it. Seriously ask yourself if you think a Democrat would have done all of the things that have driven us crazy over the last 8 years. COme on, Iraq? Guantanamo Bay? John Negroponte having a job? Bull. Shit.


bitsycat1 November 4 2008, 13:57:23 UTC
I think Clinton would have. Why Becasue he would have had the same bad information given to him by the CIA.
he had already ordered air strikes and missles into Iraq on several occaions. Faced with the bad info about Wepons of mass destruction( Ala Powell) Yeah he would have.
Now once we had won...( Likely he would have pulled out sooner)
Turned it over to NATO But then again he would still have the mess in afghanistan. You do know that BArack wants to commit the troops fom Iraq into afghanistan?
No army since alexander the great has won in afghanistan.
So either way its not going to END war... Just change where its being fought.( I have friends set to go to afghnistan next year)Not Iraq.
So pullng out at this point is merely an illusion( THATS WHAT I MEAN ) Most people dont read platforms or listen to details. We may get out of Iraq?But either way ? If not Iraq we will be in afghanistan..

( which is far worse)


bitsycat1 November 5 2008, 03:35:08 UTC
To paraphrase McCain, "Clinton isn't running for election."


I drove a lot more eight years ago..... eridian3 November 5 2008, 02:08:09 UTC
Randall, I think you should run for president.


Re: I drove a lot more eight years ago..... ubiquitousnewt November 5 2008, 07:08:28 UTC
Much obliged for the compliment, but would appear that we are in the process of acquiring a competent one..!


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