Election eve

Nov 03, 2008 21:04

So continuing off where I left off: I'll be voting tomorrow, and I'm VERY much looking forward to it. I won't presume to tell anyone how to vote, but I will throw out the acid test: "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Eight?" My personal answer is "Are you kidding? I can't remember to do my laundry, let alone what life was like 8 years ago. I doubt many of you can either... Well, so much for that test. Failing that, I'll have to make some observations...

I am fed up with being embarrassed by my government & my president. I am fed up with DARPA. I am fed up with knowing we pay John Negroponte & Paul "I have been wrong about everythign I've ever said since i was born" Wolfowitz. I am fed up of watching big corporations get legislation passed that runs directly contrary to the health of the American people. I'm fed up with of cars that get less than 30MPG. I am fed up with inflation. I am fed up of hearing the resistance in Iraq conflated with "Al Quaeda"; I'm fed up with Osama Bin Laden being free. I'm fed up with of massive military expenditures, struggling schools, and 8 years of steady job cuts and outsourcing. I'm fed up with of Fox, Rupert Murdoch, Janet Jackson's boob, school shootings from over-permissive gun laws. I'm sick of Amber Alerts, even though I realize those aren't going away anytime soon...

I'm fed up with of being searched, watched, scanned, polled and prodded by people that are less trustworthy than I am. I'm fed up with of watching my government prop up racism in Israel, and dictators in Pakistan & Africa. I'm utterly disgusted by the bank bailout and the new TEN TRILLION national debt. I'm sick of my government being too dumb and Neanderthal to realize the stupidity of torture. I'm tired of feeling like I'm living in "Live Action 1984." I am REALLY fed up with having to admit to Europeans just how stupid my president is.

I'm fed up with watching the Republican Party hide behind the troops, and use wedge issues, nationalism, and character assassination to sell Americans on bad policy. I'm fed up with the Democrats being "too polite" to all them out as the amoral conniving, treacherous & divisive curs that they are. (and I am aware of the hypocrisy in calling a group out for being divisive. Have a look at their poster child Michelle Bachmann, representative of the hideous backwater that is Minnesota before you call me on it.)

I am fed up with the lack of progress on treating AIDS, cancer, autism & heart disease. I'm fed up with of a government that doesn't realize if you don't have clean air, water, & food, you don't have anything. I'm fed up with the FDA & EPA's primary missions being to shield polluters and poisoners from lawsuits.

As a country...we have been on the wrong path for a decade now. Since Reagan, really. It is time to snap out of it, and realize that greed IS NOT good, and that a problem for your neighbors is eventually a problem for you.

Now go vote, and try to tell me we don't need change.
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