OOC Again

Jul 10, 2006 12:13

((Here we are again. I'm rather pleased with this one, it came out faster and more easily than the last. Then again, I learned quite a few new-to-me tools in PSP while working on Lucca, but didn't really learn anything working on this one. Maybe that's an indictment of me, maybe it's just that I didn't really need to stretch for this one. Anyway, on to the card.))

In the atypical sci-fantasy romp that is Chrono Trigger, Ayla is an atypical character. The leader of her pre-historic tribe, she's vital, vigorous, intensely physical, and rules her tribe through a mixture of forceful personality and martial prowess.

The Star stands for hope, inspiration, and a widening of physical and mental boundaries; as the leader of one of the first two tribes of humans in the game's history, Ayla has the first two covered, while her stern drive for self-improvement and journeys with the party to the end of time and back certainly reflect the third. A leader like Ayla exerts influence over others, another trait for which the Star card is known.

The Star isn't all sweetness and light--no card is, and like the Star's less dignified side, Ayla can be stubborn and rigid in her thinking. While she does adjust somewhat to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune throughout the game, she also resists adjustment when it isn't readily apparent to her why the strange, complex ways of the future might be good things.

All that, and Ayla's story comes to a head with the fall of the red star. How much better can it get?

Oh, and be sure to catch the previous installment, that started it all:
Lucca, the Magician

Sprites culled from Chrono Trigger, Ayla taken from promotional art for either the game or the anime, background pilfered from the Internet after a Google image search for "mountain night sky." All editing, arranging, and window-dressing done in Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. Tarot lore gleaned from "Understanding and Using Tarot" by Emily Peach. All characters depicted copyright of Square, now SquareEnix. Use as directed.
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