An attempt to make sense of that crazy Russian "disband NATO" demand.

Jan 16, 2022 02:37

In 2013 Ukraine was trying to sign an EU trade treaty, which should have moved the country from Russia's orbit. With a combination of political and economic pressure, Russia coerced Ukrainian president Yanukovich to do a U-turn.

The protests erupted. Many Ukrainians saw the EU treaty as a chance to reform and improve their country. Some Ukrainian ( Read more... )

war, ukraine, russia

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Comments 1

3eta January 16 2022, 15:19:11 UTC
Here we go:

- In Russia, state television has been filled with commentators’ warnings that Ukraine could soon attack Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine - fitting with Washington’s allegation on Friday that Russian operatives, with specialties in explosives and urban warfare, have infiltrated Ukraine and might be planning to stage a provocation to justify an invasion.

- In Geneva, Russian diplomats insisted there were no plans to invade Ukraine. But there were hints of other steps. In one little-noticed remark, a senior Russian diplomat said Moscow was prepared to place unspecified weapons systems in unspecified places. That merged with American intelligence assessments that Russia could be considering new nuclear deployments, perhaps tactical nuclear weapons or a powerful emerging arsenal of hypersonic missiles.


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