I am not going to delete my account at this time - probably not too long, but I have some accounting to do - though I might delete content on this account. Not sure.
But I'm going stop cross posting. I'm tylik at Dreamwidth. Or tylikcat on twitter. Or various permutations elsewhere.
Anyone who is not aware of the macabre but wonderful best carcass hashtag trending on twitter right now is missing a hell of a show. (Biologists have the best twitter wars
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I have a number of filters. Some of them are conditionally opt-in -- if someone would like to be on a filter, I'll probably put them there, but no guarantees. Some of them are more of a mix of how well I know you versus how much stuff I think you want to hear
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I have a serious case of Autumn. By which I mostly mean nesting instinct. This is turning into all kinds of useful things like getting one of those portable radiator space heaters for the library (it's the room I work in the most, is kind of underheated anyway, and this is a good excuse to keep the rest of the house cooler, which I prefer for
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A lot of people are posting their Planned Parenthood stories, and my initial thought is that I don't really have any, or that mine are just too boring. But then, thinking about it, in some ways, that's kind of the point
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I've noticed that once again there are an awful lot of posts talking about how awful April Fool's jokes are, and how they are cruel and bad, etc. etc. I've been seeing these posts cropping up, usually starting a couple of days before April 1st for the last several years. And I've seen a few instances - especially a decade or so ago when there was a
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