Title: Over Mocha and Muffins
Pairing: Angela/Brennan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Bones is not mine.
“Someone hit on me today,” Angela told Brennan as she stirred her mocha.
“Someone hits on you every day,” Brennan replied, taking a bite from a large muffin. “Usually more than one someone.”
“Usually only men hit on me.”
That caused Brennan to pause mid-bite. “And this someone wasn’t a man?”
“Not even close,” said Angela.
“Well, it’s to be expected that you would eventually attract the attention of someone of the same sex. Scientists are still looking for evidence to confirm that such behavior is wired into them, rather than being the effect of certain events that might have happened to them in childhood or early adolescence, but-“
“Nothing happened,” said Angela, interrupting Brennan. She looked down at her coffee quietly.
But if something had, thought Angela, I would have wanted it to be with you.