[RL with Zechs]

Dec 18, 2008 09:19

Tyki hummed as he dressed. He'd had nothing to wear, of course, and hadn't wanted to go back to the Ark until the last possible second, so he'd flirted and charmed and wheedled one of the prettier nurses into going into town and purchasing him some clothes ( Read more... )

zechs, rl

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Comments 64

thricedeadwind December 18 2008, 15:31:01 UTC
Zechs was in decidedly ill humor, but trying very hard not to make it noticeable. There was no reported crisis about his employer, which reassured him, but no word yet from the man, either. Not realizing the importance of yesterday's date until recently, Zechs had managed to purchase a small trinket out of politeness alone. He was quite irritated at the man even still, but recognized when to drink one's own bitter cup and apologize.

Especially since he really, really wanted to go home with Tyki once this was over. Well. He wanted to go home now, to make certain the place was ready when Tyki was finished with the damn party. Zechs had helped his lover tame that hair within the ribbon, and now smoothed the jacket along the man's shoulders. He still wasn't entirely certain the party was a good idea, but he wasn't about to say that either ( ... )


tyki_tock December 18 2008, 15:38:17 UTC
"I'll be safe anyway," Tyki assured him brightly, sliding his arms around Zechs and leaning up to give him a kiss. "It's not as though there'll be a battle, and I have a very easy job to do. All I do is kiss hands, dance with pretty girls of marriageable age, and flatter everyone around me, so none of the other Noah have to stop being wallflowers and do it themselves. You know I'm good at that."

He sensed Zechs' unhappiness but was only guessing at its source. He was in no big rush to get going, especially since it was best for him to be fashionably late, so he held Zechs tighter, let his hands wander a bit. "Talk to me?" he urged gently. "I want to see you smile."


thricedeadwind December 19 2008, 03:21:07 UTC
Of course the man was good at such things - maybe Tyki'd even enjoy himself. Zechs knew it wouldn't be dangerous because if what his lover would be doing - it may be dangerous because of those who may be watching him. Zechs realized how suspicious the Duke probably was at the Noah's absence. But ... what could he say of that? There were no real suggestions he could offer to explain his absence. And, in a way, it was his own fault that Tyki was missing. He sighed ( ... )


tyki_tock December 19 2008, 03:28:21 UTC
Tyki sensed that Zechs wasn't in the mood and his hands stilled, going around Zechs and hugging him tightly. "You will go home with me," he promised softly. "If Rufus insists on you staying here, then I will speak to him myself. Have you spoken to him at all since we arrived here ( ... )


thricedeadwind December 19 2008, 03:37:52 UTC
Zechs was worrying anyway. He understood a lot of the difficulties which lay in fabricating some falsehood, and didn't want the Duke discovering other worlds existed. Or, as it may be more likely, becoming interested in the fact other worlds existed. Such would make his mood seem more recalcitrant than usual. As much as he liked those hands. But the stroking was very welcome as well - he rested his forehead against Tyki's ( ... )


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