[RL with Zechs]

Dec 18, 2008 09:19

Tyki hummed as he dressed. He'd had nothing to wear, of course, and hadn't wanted to go back to the Ark until the last possible second, so he'd flirted and charmed and wheedled one of the prettier nurses into going into town and purchasing him some clothes.

They would probably start a new fashion trend, though they were close enough to the proper time frame that they wouldn't look scandalous or strange, either. A pair of black slacks, crisp white shirt, and a grey vest, and waistcoat in a more modern style than he was used to. He'd fashioned a proper cravat out of some black ribbon and white silk. And over it all, a long black coat that he officially adored.

More of the ribbon went to tame his long black hair, which now fell almost to his waist.

He wasn't really looking forward to the party, but he was happy anyway, simply because he was finally being discharged from the hospital. He had every intention of going home to Switzerland after this, and bringing his love with him. He just had to get through this day first.

zechs, rl

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