2009 in review...

Dec 30, 2009 17:42

Nicked this from hils:

1. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
I visited Liverpool! And OMG, it was so awesome there. Can't wait to return next year! :D

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?Let's see. I wanted to be a bit more active in the fandom. In 2008, I wrote 43,036 words of fic, ( Read more... )

.football, rl: travelling, lj: meme, lj: flist, .rl

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Comments 11

kiwirazzi December 30 2009, 18:05:51 UTC
Awww, your 2009 sounds really awesome!!

And that's quite a nice goal - reading 100+ books. Good luck with that! I really hope Hermes will get their shit together and finally deliver those books I ordered. *narf*


txorakeriak January 4 2010, 19:54:22 UTC
It was quite an awesome year indeed! :D

I'm very curious to see if I'll manage to read 100 books. I guess I only read that many this year because I bought myself so many new ones, and this year it'll be more difficult for me to find a book I want but don't have yet. ;)

Eep, hope the books have been delivered by now! It sucks so much to have to wait for books!


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txorakeriak January 4 2010, 19:54:31 UTC
YES! Well, if the travel agency makes us a good offer, we'll definitely go there. I actually wanted to go last year, but then it didn't work out, so my parents promised that we'll go this year. *so excited* :D

I'm a fast reader, so I think 100 books a year is doable for me. The biggest difficulty will be finding new books to read. ;)


ombu_tree December 31 2009, 01:18:47 UTC
wow, you're going to spain (hope you really do get to go next year) but wow! I'm so excited and i'm not even going. I have this very romanticised idea of Europe so everything in it sounds exciting to me =)

hehe, Iker, Iker, Iker ^_^, are we surprised at all??

Good luck with your resolutions! I think they are alll good ones, lol! Although, my mind boggles at where you will find the time to do all that!


txorakeriak January 4 2010, 19:54:44 UTC
Yes! I've never been there, so I'm super-excited. XD I shall definitely share pics, so maybe looking at them will feel a bit like you've been there yourself. :D

LOL, I don't think anyone here is surprised to read about my overwhelming adoration of Iker. ;)

Thank you! I'm a bit worried too because I usually suck at time management, but if I don't manage to do one thing I can always add it to the list again next year. ;)


inesdelsol December 31 2009, 17:20:22 UTC
awesome year I must say :) I got one resolution for next year


and it includes all - the trip, learning the language [still], enjoying food and write fics *grins*

Happy New Year my dear Bill! <3


txorakeriak January 4 2010, 19:54:53 UTC
Excellent idea! :D Good luck with your resolution!


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txorakeriak January 4 2010, 19:55:01 UTC
Hee, glad you like the meme! :D

2009 was indeed quite awesome! I hope this year will be just as awesome! :D

Spain will be amazing. I'm so so so excited! *bounces* But don't feel too safe - I'm still saving for the flight to Argentina! XD


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