1. With Nino’s back turned, Leader sneakily decided on a pose
(“What should I do?”)
2. This was the resulting pose. “Is this okay?” asks Nino. It’s perfect!
3. Leader with ever-rising high tension
4. A Nino who’s been thoroughly tsukkomi’d by Leader
Nino’s perfect as the dog!
A completely peaceful folktale is fine too
Q1: 2/3の節分といえば鬼。鬼といえば「桃太郎」ですか、嵐のメンバーを桃太郎に登場するキャラクターに当てはめるとどうなりますか? (東京都・男性・20代)"Times New Roman"">
大野 そもそも「桃太郎」って、なんの動物がいたっけ?font-weight:normal">
二宮 犬と猿とキジでしょ。まぁでもリーダーは決まってますね。おじいちゃんで決まるですよ。"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 じゃあ、ニノが犬で、猿が翔ちゃんでしょ、キジが松潤かなぁ。font-weight:normal">
二宮 ってことは、相葉ちゃんがおばあちゃんってこと?font-weight:normal">
大野 そう。font-weight:normal">
二宮 ということで、お願いします。えっ、桃太郎と鬼がいないって?いや、いないですよ!なんでそんなにメーンキャストがほしいんですか!!"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 そうそう。メーンはいないね。font-weight:normal">
二宮 特に鬼もいないので、鬼退治にも行かないですから。font-weight:normal">
大野 残念ながら、桃も拾わないから桃太郎も出てきません(笑)。font-weight:normal">
二宮 動物好きなおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんの昔話ってことで。font-weight:normal">
大野 最終的には、“平和に暮らす”でしょうね。font-weight:normal">
二宮 はい、めでたし、めでたし。normal">
Q1: Speaking of 3rd February’s
Bean Throwing Night, demons come to mind. And speaking of demons, it’s “
the Little Peach Boy”; of the characters that appear in the Little Peach Boy, which would the members of Arashi be? (Tokyo Metropolitan Area, male, 20s)
Ohno What animals were there in the Little Peach boy again?
Nino There was a dog, a monkey and a pheasant, right? Well, Leader’s character is already decided. You’re the old man.
Ohno Right, then Nino’s the dog, Sho-chan’s the monkey and MatsuJun can be the pheasant.
Nino In that case, then Aiba-chan’s the old woman?
Ohno That’s right.
Nino So there you go. Eh, what about the Little Peach Boy and the demon? We’re missing them! How is it that the main characters are left out?!
Ohno True, true. We don’t have the main cast.
Nino If we don’t have the demon, we can’t have a demon extermination.
Ohno And sorry to say this, but with no peach, the Little Peach Boy can’t even appear (laughs).
Nino So it’s just a folktale about an animal-loving old couple instead.
Ohno And so it ends with “living peacefully”.
Nino Yup, and they lived happily ever after.
Q2: 受験勉強中の高校生です。緊張してしまう方なのですかよりリラックス方法はありますか?(千葉県・女性・10代)
二宮 僕、あまり受験ってしたことがないから、よくわからないんですよ。ドラマの撮影前も緊張しない方だから、特にやってることもないし。
大野 受かればいいなぁと思って勉強するっていうのは?mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
二宮 受験の定義そのままですよ。みんな受かるために受験してるんだから。mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 そっか~。じゃあ、受かればいいかなぁ~ぐらいの気持ちで!mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
二宮 そんな軽いノリで受かるの?"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 やっぱりダメかぁ。逆にリラックスしないっていうのは?mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
二宮 あぁ、ストリックな意見。逆に緊張感をすっと保つってことね。mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 そうそう、リラックスし過ぎてもダメだから。追い立てられた気持ちのまま受験した方がいいかなと。
二宮 そういうのもアリだと思うけどこの質問の答えにはなってないね(笑)。mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
Q2: I’m a high school student currently studying for exams. If you get stressed or nervous, do you have a method of relaxing? (Chiba prefecture, Female, in her teens)
Nino I don’t really feel anything during exam periods, so I can’t really empathise. Even before drama filming sessions, I don’t feel nervous, so I don’t really do anything in particular.
Ohno How about thinking “how nice it’d be if I could pass the exam” while studying, that sort of thing?mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Nino That’s the definition of studying for exams. Everyone studies in order to pass the exam!mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Ohno Is that so~. Then, do it with a “it’d be nice if I could pass~” attitude!
Nino Can you even pass if you’re taking it so lightly?mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Ohno I guess not. Conversely then, how about doing it relentlessly without relaxing?
Nino Ah, from the ‘relaxing’ point of view… Conversely then, that’d keep her continuously stressed.
Ohno Yes, yes, but it’s no good to relax too much. Ridding yourself of all emotions and just studying is best.font-weight:normal">
Nino That may be true, but we’re not really answering the question here (laughs).
Q3: 大野さんの‘10年「ひみつの嵐ちゃん!」への抱負を聞かせてください!
大野 ニノなんて言ったの?"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
二宮 ん?それは言えないよ!"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 う~ん、じゃあ、まだ“マネキン”でビリになったことがないから、このままの調子でいくってことで。
二宮 まぁ、嵐のファションリーダーですからね。mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 うん。嵐のファショんリーダーとして、普段の洋服も“マネキン”みたいに攻めていこうかなと。
二宮 いやいや。リーダー全然、攻めてないじゃん。“マネキン”のときも普段の服もあまり変わってないから!
大野 あとは“モテ嵐”で絶対に水に落ちないことを宣言します。mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
二宮 あ~、よく言いましたね!"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
大野 だって水に落ちると、その後が大変なんだもん(笑)。mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal">
Q3: Please tell us Ohno-san’s 2010 aspiration for “Himitsu no Arashi-chan”! mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri">
Ohno What would Nino say it is?mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Nino Mm? How should I know?mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Ohno Hmm~ Fine then, having never been last in the “Mannequin 5” corner, I’d like to keep it that way.
Nino Well, since you’re Arashi’s fashion leader, right?mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Ohno Mm. Arashi’s fashion leader aside, I’ll take the offensive in the “Mannequin 5” corner with my usual western-style clothes.mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Nino No way, Leader totally never attacks! On “Mannequin 5” your normal clothes never change!mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Ohno Then I’ll go with declaring that I’ll keep a clean record of not falling in the water for the “Mote Arashi” corner.mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;font-weight:normal">
Nino Ah~well said!
Ohno Though that’d be a problem if I actually do fall in (laughs).
And while you're at it - it's not new, but why not have a bit
more Ohmiya goodness here. =P
Was it just me or was there a distinct lack of Ohmiya-ness in the 5x10 concert? Did they have a fight or something? There seemed to be more Juntoshi (or even Matsumiya - that KISS! XDD) than anything! Not that I'm complaining, but...
What are your thoughts? Hands up whoever else thought Aiba's solo was smokin' *fans self* =P
Also, anyone have any good Ohmiya pics to recommend?
I drew
Sho for a friend, and now I want to try Ohmiya. =P
As always - I'm a complete amateur at Japanese, so mistakes are inevitable. Corrections, suggestions and comments are always welcome. ^^