haven't posted in for-ev-er. school is awesome. i've only gotten 2 Bs since i've started. damn i'm smart. only 13 more classes and then i have my Associate's!!!!
well spring quarter has sprung at last. i need to take 102 credit hours before i can even get my Associate's i'm really far behind. but fuck it, who really cares? i'll just be a student forever. i love my beau, but sometimes he's retarded. is that a guy thing? i think so.
yes, this is an update. i work at a grocery store, in the deli. i make $7.95/hr. ohio just passed a state-wide smoking ban. and we've upped the minimum wage, as well as replaced almost all of our reps. with dems. finally ohio has done something right. still with matthew. still missin the 'nois. peace out fools.
i'm so ready for school to be over. may 29th is my last day. finals next week. eeeeeeeeek! i get my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow. hello vicodin. i'm scared though. i still love matthew. i need to find cheaper car insurance. i need to do a lot of things.
Go to Wikipedia. Type in your birth date (but not year). List three events that happened on your birthday. List two important birthdays and one interesting death. Post this in your journal
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my boo will be in West Virginia all week working. and then on the weekends he has to work too. it sucks. shrink appt. today, what FUN!!! on the other hand i was able to get some everclear there. because it's legal there, but not here. so woo. peace fools.