The Right Place

Aug 06, 2018 22:28

Title: The Right Place
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Avengers (movieverse)
Characters: mini!Buffy, mini!Willow, mini!Xander, Bucky, Tony
Rating: Suitable for all ages
Word Count: 970
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of the Avengers belong to Marvel, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Series/related stories: A New Start, Logistics, Scenes From Down On The Farm, Meeting Miss Darcy, Meeting Uncle Bucky, Hammer Time, Snippets, Mother Son Time, The Frist Mission, The Power Of Love, Meeting Buffy's Boyfriends, Peas and Tanks, Cooking With Willow
Notes: Just a quick random thought. Struggling a bit for ideas just now.

He walked down the hallway, confident in his stride. He was running late, yes, but the task he'd been given had taken a little longer than expected and took him out of his normal paths. As it was, he was only a few minutes late.

He was running through his schedule in him mind when it happened.

A net dropped on top of him, tangling him and causing him to lose his balance. Two soft thuds and a silent movement of air caused him to look up into the face of his captors. “Oh, cr...” he began before the one with dark hair sprayed him with something.

“He was about to say a naughty word wasn't he,” the redhead breathed.

The other two nodded.

“He has a lot to answer for,” the blond stated, her voice as no-nonsense as a four-year-old's could be.

“And we'll get those answers,” the brunet affirmed.


Consciousness returned slowly and not comfortably. Not only was there a fogginess in his brain indicating he'd been drugged, but he found he couldn't move. As he became more aware, he realized he was sitting and tied to a chair. Twisting his wrists, he had to acknowledge that whoever tied him up knew what they were doing.

Now he just had to work up the energy to open his eyes and find out exactly what sort of trouble he was in and who had infiltrated the base.

“We know you're awake,” a young voice observed.

His head snapped up, eyes widening in shock only to close quickly in pain as the last of the knock-out gas worked its way through his system. “Buffy?” he questioned with a wince.

“Just because you recognize me doesn't mean you are who you claim to be.”

“Yeah, and since we're not allowed to do DNA testing yet, we have to use other methods to ensure ourselves of who you are,” Willow added.

“So do us all a favor and answer honestly. We don't want to get rough,” Xander threatened.

The man scoffed. “How rough could you lot get?”

Buffy nodded to Xander who reached behind him and hit something.

For five agonizing seconds, the theme song from a popular preschool television show played. It was completely inhumane to play it to anyone over the age of five and it drew a cry of pain from the captive.

“Are you ready to talk now?” Buffy asked, moving closer to the captive, but staying outside his reach.

“Fine. Fine. Tell me what you want to know. Just … just don't play that horrible music again.”

“What were you doing in that hallway?” Xander demanded.

“I was heading toward the lab where I always meet you,” the prisoner replied.

“That doesn't answer the question,” Willow pointed out. “That hallway is not on your path from your parking space to the lab. In fact, there is no reason for you to be there at that time.”

“So,” Buffy asked, having moved behind the captive. “What exactly were you doing there when you should have been in the lab with us, Uncle Tony? If that's who you really are.”

“If that's...? Buffy! Willow! Xander! Who else would I be? Of course I'm Uncle Tony. We shot peas from toy tanks together the first time we met!”

“Uncle Tony is always in the lab to greet us on Wednesdays,” Willow stated.

“You weren't there,” Buffy accused.

“So,” Xander said, visibly preparing to play more of the god-awful music. “What were you doing there?”

A sound from the doorway drew Tony's attention. “Bucky!” he cried. “What's wrong with them? What are you teaching them? Help me out of this!”

Bucky snorted and leaned against the door frame. “Widow's doing interrogation, though this had elements of Hawkeye involved as well.” Stepping into the room, he circled the man in the chair as the three youngsters watched him. “Good knots,” he complimented. “And you remembered to tie them in the proper places. He won't be getting out of those.”

Finished with his examination, Buck moved back to the door and turned around once he reached it. “So, what exactly did you do to earn their wrath and suspicion?” he asked.

“He wasn't in the lab when we went there,” Willow informed her Uncle Bucky.

“He's supposed to be there,” Buffy pointed out.

“Yeah. There are rules and we can't go in if there's not an adult present and Uncle Tony counts even if Mom does say he's more of a child than me sometimes,” Xander finished.

“Your mom says what?” Tony asked, eyes zeroing in on Xander before he shook his head. “Not the point. If you have to know, Bruce asked me to deliver something to Vision and I thought I could drop it off and get to the lab before you arrived. I'm sorry I misjudged the time. It won't happen again.”

The small trio exchanged looks, their expressions uncertain.

“I believe him,” Bucky said from his position by the door.

The three exchanged looks once more before Buffy sighed, walked over and pulled on the end of the rope they'd used to tie him up.

The entire rope went slack and released his hands feet and body all at once. Tony's brain felt a split second of awe and pride before trying to workout how she'd done that and then shook it off. “Thank you,” he said, standing up. “Now, how about we go do some science.”

“Yay! Science!” Willow cheered, grabbing Tony's hand and dragging him toward the door. The small trio immediately began peppering him with questions and not giving him a chance to answer.

Following behind them, Bucky couldn't help but grin.


fandom: avengers, author: beriaearwen, !2018 august event

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