Title: Meeting Miss Darcy
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Avengers (movieverse - Post Ultron, non-compliant with Civil War)
Characters: Mini!Buffy, Mini!Willow, Mini!Xander, Darcy, post-Ultron Avengers (minus Clint)
Rating: FRT
Word Count: 1053
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of the Avengers belong to Marvel, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement intended.
Notes: Absolutely NOTHING is working tonight plot and dialog wise including the mostly crackfic where the Scoobies have to stop the Lollipop Guild (headed by a good witch, but business savy Glinda) and the Oompa-loompas (headed by Willie Wanka - enough said) from going to war which would eventually destroy Earth (where they were fighting it), as well as the participants home worlds too. And yes, sometimes my story ideas worry me too. Do you think it would be cruel to set make Loki babysit the Mini!Scoobies? Just a thought. Anyway, not entirely complete, but at a decent stopping point.
Summary: Darcy may be able to offer some insight into the kids' past lives.
Meeting Miss Darcy
by Beriaearwen
Darcy groaned and rolled out of bed as Friday began reciting the news headlines and weather for the day. She'd gotten to the new Avenger's base late last night after a far too long flight with no sleep thanks to the idiot in front of her and the kid kicking her seat behind. She'd stumbled in and been completely lost until Vision explained about the changed layout and led her to her room.
Today she needed to make sure Jane's lab was set up and ready. They wouldn't be here full time, but when they were on-site it had to be a smooth transition. Since Jane couldn't be here herself to accept the shipments, Darcy had volunteered. Of course, if it meant she got to spend a little time away from Jane's ramblings about Thor, well, yay for her.
Stumbling out of her room, she headed to the common area. The new layout was sort of like a spider's web, which made her think Black Widow had something to do with it, but maybe a better analogy would be a snowflake. There was a large central living room/dining room/kitchen area with hallways branching off to what essentially amounted to private wings for each of the Avengers stationed here.
Making her way through the room, she vaguely noted that there were people already standing around or sitting eating. She grunted acknowledgment to those who wished her a good morning.
In no time flat she had a cup of coffee and had inhaled about half of it before she shuddered and felt her brain kick into gear. Turning to greet everyone, she stopped in shock. Staring back at her were three very small people, each with a bowl in front of them.
“Oh my Thor, they've spawned,” she said, reaching her free hand back to support herself against the counter, her newly awakened brain trying to understand what she was saying.
“Darcy,” Steve called, drawing her attention. “I'd like to introduce you to our newest arrivals. This is my daughter. Buffy; Natasha's son, Xander; and Wanda's daughter Willow.”
“I... what?”
Ignoring her shock, he continued, “Buffy, Xander, Willow, this is Miss Darcy. She works with Miss Jane.”
“Morning Miss Darcy,” Xander greeted with an adorable smile.
“Nice to meet you,” Willow said politely.
Buffy shrugged, said, “Hi” and went back to eating her breakfast. She was hungry.
“Hi,” Darcy replied, looking a little lost. Turning back to the counter she reached for the coffee pot muttering, “Need more coffee, definitely more coffee.” Her hand paused just shy of the handle. “Drugged? Could be drugged. Hallucinogen... But... Coffee...” she whimpered. A low chuckle from the other side of the counter drew her attention. He saw it belonged to a rather attractive man she identified as Falcon. She hadn't officially met him on her last visit because he was away.
“It's not drugged. They do have kids and we'll explain more, but, yeah, coffee would be good. I'm Sam.”
Darcy straightened and shook his proffered hand. “Darcy Lewis, Scientist Wrangler extraordinare,” she replied.
“Is Scientist Wrangler like the cowboy one?” the little redhead, Willow, asked.
“Sort of, only instead of animals I have scientists,” Darcy replied. “Mostly I help out and make sure Jane, Dr. Foster, takes care of herself.”
“Like a babysitter?” Buffy asked, looking puzzled.
Darcy opened her mouth to deny it, but in kid terms... “Close enough.”
“OK, you three,” Natasha interrupted. “Now that you're done with breakfast, go get cleaned up so you can go to school.”
“Aw, do we have to?” Xander whined. When Natasha's only response was to raise an eyebrow, he huffed and headed off to his room.
Darcy watched as Willow skipped behind him and Buffy grabbed an apple before disappearing as well.
“What... Kids?”
“They arrived in the training room via portal four months ago and we were told by the person dropping them off that they had been champions in their old world who had been de-aged in order to help with a situation sometime in our world's future,” Steve summarized.
“Buffy chose Steve. Xander chose Natasha and Willow chose me. We know that Willow has some sort of mind power or magic and Buffy has many of Steve's physical attributes - speed, strength, etc - just downsized to a three-year-old. We figure Xander must have or have had some skill set similar to Natasha's.”
“Wait,” Darcy said, her brow furrowing even as she took another sip of coffee. “There's something...” After another moment of thought her eyes widened in surprise and then she laughed.
“You know something?” Steve asked.
Calming herself, Darcy nodded. “When I was, like, thirteen, there was a series of books one of my friends found about Buffy the Demon Slayer and her friends, Xander and Willow. The only title I remember is “Buffy the Balrog Slayer?”, but that's not the point. In the books, Buffy had been gifted attributes which allowed her to slay all but the most powerful of demons with little struggle. Willow was a brilliant computer hacker and programmer who took up magic and became a powerful magic user. Xander, for all his claiming to be normal, attracted dangerous women,” - with this, she looked pointedly at Nathsha - “but also, he trained and became very proficient at some weapons, but his greatest contributions were usually his insight and his ability to size up any situation quickly. Doesn't that sound familiar.”
“These books, can we find them?” Wanda asked.
Darcy shrugged. “They were never really popular and I think they're out of print, but, yeah, I'm sure they're out there somewhere. Of course, there's no telling what their reality was like. It's doubtful that it was exactly like the books.”
“True, but the talents seem to be fairly consistent,” Natasha observed.
“Yeah, but in the books they're teens. They're just... What? Like three or four? There's going to be differences,” Darcy pointed out.
“Still, can't hurt to look,” Steve said as his hearing picked up the sound of tiny feet headed in their direction. “If you don't mind, maybe we can continue this later?”
Darcy shrugged and took another sip of her coffee, already over the strangeness. “Sure.”