Title: A Comfortable Bed For the Night (part eight of Watch the Fall of Humanity)
Author: 3am_moonlight aka mirrored_illusions.
Summary: Buffy, Andrea, and Glenn make it to the furniture store.
Crossover: The Walking Dead, Rimfrost.
Characters: Buffy Summers, Andrea, Glenn Rhee, Rime Kvitrev.
Rating: Gen
Word count: 1034
Challenge: The 2016 August Fic-a-Day. Day 17.
Timeline: Post-Chosen for BtVS, season one (01x02 ‘Guts’) for TWD, way post-Rimfrost.
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et al. TWD and Rimfrost belongs to someone with big, scary lawyers.
When they finally reached the furniture store Buffy was relieved. If she had been on her own it would’ve taken half an hour, 45 minutes at the most. It wasn’t just because of her Slayer abilities either, although those definitely helped. The extra supplies would be useful though, she couldn’t argue against that.
It was strange really, as a teenager she couldn’t go on a weekend trip without at least two big bags of clothing, shoes, and a whole lot of other ‘necessary’ things, and then when she began travelling after the Battle of Sunnydale she learned to pack everything she needed in two medium sized bags with the understanding she would be on the road for months. This did not include her weapons though. That was a whole other issue she refused to compromise on, and now, post-apocalypse, she was reassured that this had been a good decision.
Rime always packed light, at least as far as people knew. A comfortable backpack and a medium sized bag was all she had owned before. Of course her backpack had some kind of fancy spellwork on it to make it bottomless and to make sure it was always a comfortable weight on her back. The extra bag was mostly for show, and to a lesser degree for easier access to various things. The second Christmas after they met she had given Buffy a similar backpack with the same magical properties. It was, without a doubt, one of her top three most prized possessions. The apocalypse had only increased it’s value to her.
She hadn’t brought the bag with her on her little sojourn into walker territory though, it was safely back at the temporary base with Rime. Which meant taking a new, normal one from a random shop to put their loot in, and then add to it as they moved closer to their goal.
All three of them had managed to fill their packs to the brim by the time they made it to the furniture store. Water had been their main priority, closely followed by food and medicine. Both Glenn and Andrea had also taken some clothes along the way, and in Andrea’s case she had also taken some for her little sister.
They entered through a side door Buffy had a key to, there had been several spare keys in an office which they’d found after breaking in through another door, and walked quietly inside before ascending a flight of stairs up to the second floor. Like any other shop it had had an alarm system but Rime had managed to disarm it.
“Rime. I’m back and I’ve brought guests.” Buffy’s voice was low so as not to disturb anything or anyone they didn’t want to know about their presence. It was unlikely that there were walkers or any other humans than her friend in there, but it was better to stay safe than be sorry about it later. If there was a later.
“How can you be sure she’s still here if you left her here alone?” It was Andrea who spoke. Of course it was. Or rather it was Andrea who asked in a hissing whisper. Buffy supposed it was a good thing that she at least kept her voice down. There was a long chat in Andrea’s future about her desperate need to fit in and to prove herself, and how it only made things worse for her, not better. But that was for later, much later. There were other more important things to deal with at the moment than a whining woman in her mid-thirties.
The three of them kept walking, Buffy in the lead, further into the main part of the second floor before veering to the left. She called out again and this time she got a reply.
“I am still here. Who are your new friends?” Rime’s voice was soft and came from their right side. Buffy stepped around a bookcase and came face-to-face with her long time friend. Judging by her appearance she’d been bored enough to try and fix her hair as it was currently loose with only two braids on each side of her face, framing it in a complementary way, instead of the long braid she usually wore. She had also changed into jeans and a blue, short-sleeved top with muted yellow stars on it. Essentially she looked like a sort-of modern day hippie.
“This is Andrea and Glenn. They’re part of a bigger group who have a camp in a quarry outside the city. Those two and some others were sent into Atlanta to get supplies for everyone. Some guy named Rick decided it was a great idea to ride a horse into the city and started a feeding frenzy when he lost the horse.” Buffy paused a little so Rime could digest the news before she continued.
“He went back with the others. We’re here to fetch you and our stuff and then go to the camp.” She finished her recap of the day's events so far. Unseen by the other two she gave Rime their long-time signal that they needed to talk, privately.
Buffy then expanded on her explanation, with running commentary from Andrea, and, to a lesser extent, Glenn.
Later on when they had finished going through everything, both the verbal rehashing of the meeting with part of the Quarry Camp and when they had finished going through all their provisions, it was late enough that Buffy made an executive decision and decided they would spend one last night in the furniture store. Andrea protested immediately, but Glenn agreed. Full dark was fast approaching and it would make it more difficult to spot the walkers, especially since they would need to go back and forth to load up Buffy’s car. Darkness plus big, heavy bags and boxes equaled a very bad idea.
If nothing else it was probably the last time in who only knew how long until they would be able to sleep in proper beds again. A fact which made even Andrea relent, and it was unanimous; they would get up bright and early the next morning, pack everything, and then leave for the camp.