August 29 - Old Ties

Aug 29, 2016 22:46

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 29

Title: Old Ties
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Harry Potter
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Harry Potter people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Willow heads for a meeting.

Notes: This could be seen as a follow up to "See to Ourselves"
Seasons: Post-Series/Post-Series (with a slight but important AU before “Epilogue”)
Characters: Willow
Word Count: 380

Willow smoothed her hands down her dress and sighed. She was nervous. Like, I’m going to ralph on your shoes nervous. But this needed to be done. The information they had on the formal Wizarding community was sketchy at best. It had been decided that the most logical person to send in was a wiccan. The International Watchers Council had rebuilt, but it was slow going, and they did not have the allies they needed. Their most recent strategy was to try and reestablish an old London contact - the Ministry of Magic.

It had been thirty years since the Watchers and Ministry cut ties over a disagreement about Voldemort. As far as she knew they had never delved into each other’s business again. The records they had suggested there was never any contact again.

She took a deep breath and followed the instructions she had memorized. Into the phone booth, dial 62442. The booth started to sink into the ground. Every instinct told her to blow it apart and get out, but she resisted. She was lowered into a reception area.

“Hello,” a young man appeared right in front of her. “Cody Finch, it’s a pleasure.”

“Willow Rosenberg. I’m here for a-a meeting with-”

“Yes. We have you right here.” He tapped a quill to his parchment. “If you’ll follow me.”

“Of course,” she mumbled.

She was escorted down two hallways up three flights of stairs, down four more hallways up two more flights of stairs and then down one flight. She saw floating candles and paper airplanes zooming about. There were inanimate objects talking. And the people were dressed in robes and tall pointed hats. A few stared at her in passing, but Cody kept a brisk pace that discouraged anyone stop them. She saw a few people with wands waving as they moved documents or desks down the hallways.

Finally, they arrived at a door with “H.J.P. & H.J.P”

“They think it’s funny,” Cody told her. “When they married their initials matched.”

Willow nodded.

He knocked three times on the door then opened it. He poked his head in. “Miss Willow Rosenberg is here to see you.”

Willow took a deep breath as the door opened wider and Cody waved her to enter. Here goes nothing.

fandom: harry potter, author: hermione2be, !2016 august event

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