August 9 - See to Ourselves

Aug 09, 2016 13:28

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 9

Title: See to Ourselves
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Harry Potter
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Harry Potter people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Early Spring 1996, many parts are in motion as the Council and the Ministry face changes.

Notes: So this is a true alignment of the series, this would be towards the end of Year 5 for Harry and about four months before Buffy is Chosen.
Seasons: Pre-Series/Year 5
Characters: Travers, Giles
Word Count: 373

Quentin Travers picked up the latest reports and a newspaper from the stack just dropped off by his assistant. In the folder were surveillance on the group of Potentials likely to be called next.

“Unfortunate business,” he muttered.

They had received a missive from Kit, the current Slayer’s Watcher, about the evil they were facing in Egypt. Per protocol they were alerting all Watchers to be prepared for a new Potential to be Chosen.

He put aside the reports and unfolded the newspaper. The moving pictures caught his attention. It was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, telling the Wizarding community that they were safe. Travers checked the paper carefully but it read like the propaganda it was. There were little nuggets of truth as long as the writer had toed the company line.

A throat being cleared made him look up.

“Excuse the interruption,” Rupert Giles said.

“Have you been keeping informed?” Travers’ asked as he waved him to sit.


“Is there any chance our next Slayer will be a wand-witch and drag us into this conflict, again?”

Giles ignored the derogatory term for the Wizarding community. “We have become aware of two Potentials that are wand-users. One here that travels to Scotland for months at a time.”

Travers made a noise of disgust. “Hogwarts.”

“Yes. The other is Russian.”

“Hmm.” Travers stood and walked to his sideboard for a brandy. “Do we know the extent of the conflict that’s coming?”

“Unofficial reports have confirmed Voldemort has returned. The Wizarding world does not believe it since he was supposed to have been defeated fifteen years ago.”

“By a child,” Travers scoffed.

Giles stiffened in his seat slightly. He recalled his grandmother, as head of the Council, saying something similar about the Slayers. But she had said it with sympathy and compassion. But he kept those thoughts to himself. Travers saw Slayers with more detachment than his predecessors.

“Do we want to make official contact with the Ministry of Magic?” Giles asked.

“No!” Travers snapped. “This is their mess, let them clean it up. We’ve got our own problems. There are Potentials who are not trained who may become Slayer.” He calmed himself and said evenly, “We must see to ourselves first.”

fandom: harry potter, author: hermione2be, !2016 august event

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