August 28 - Occurrences

Aug 28, 2016 22:20

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 28

Title: Occurrences
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Star Trek (2009)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Star Trek people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Buffy finds some interesting things on Delta Vega.

Notes: Follows " Ripples"
Seasons: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Kirk, Spock, Spock Prime
Word Count: 1400

The Enterprise had identified the ship as Nero’s an unknown species who was hell-bent on destroying everything. He had just killed millions of Vulcans and destroyed their red home planet. Something at the back of Buffy’s senses was bugging her. She would swear it was a demon. The entire of Nero’s ship had felt…off.

She watched Spock and Kirk argue from her position at a science station.

“You are assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold,” Spock said. “To the contrary, Nero’s very presence has altered the flow of history.”

“The Kelvin,” Buffy said before she had thought better of it.

“Lieutenant?” Kirk asked.

“Everything from the Kelvin’s destruction - Nero’s first appearance in our timeline - has been a sequence of new events. An alternate reality.”

“Precisely,” Spock said looking her over skeptically. “Mr. Sulu, plot a course to the Laurentian system, warp factor three.”

There was a short argument, which Buffy agreed with Kirk. When the enemy ran ahead, you didn’t go have a powwow about it, you chased them down. But she remained silent. Spock used the Vulcan nerve pinch to incapacitate Kirk.

“Get him off this ship,” Spock ordered.

Buffy followed the security officers to the escape pod where they loaded him in. She knocked them out and found the set coordinates. Delta Vega. The pod beeped, as the bridge authorized launch.

“Shit,” she leaned into the pod and checked the straps but he was already buckled in. She felt the pod door close.

Buffy braced herself against the sides of the pod as it hurtled through space and towards Delta Vega. Her teeth ground against each other. The internal dampeners were working but it still left her holding her body up to stay off Kirk’s lap.

The landing was anything but gentle. She knocked her head and it was bleeding profusely.

“Damnit,” she cursed in annoyance.

“What the hell?” Kirk’s voice made her turn to look at him.

“We’re on a frozen planet in the Vulcan system.”

“Why are you in here?”

“I was trying to get you out,” she snapped. “We need to get out.”

“Unsafe,” the computer told them. “There is a Starfleet outpost fourteen kilometers to the northwest. Remain in your pod until the authorities are summoned.”

“Not happening,” she replied and hit the door sending it flying. The pod was immediately cooled.

Buffy rolled forward into the snow and immediately bent down to use the cold to slow the blood from the cut on her head. The wind blew around her. This planet was freezing

“What are you doing?” Kirk asked from behind her.

“Nothing,” she said. “Did you find the emergency supplies?” She stood up and turned to face him.

“Yes, here,” he handed her the bag.

“No. I’m fine. You use it.”

“You’re going to freeze.”

“But I’m not going to die,” she replied. “Come on, you’re losing body heat.” She looked around but all she could see was white. “Which way?”

“That way,” he pointed.


Buffy ran down the slope behind Kirk, she needed to stop him. There was something in the direction they were going was setting off her Slayer senses. And it was where Kirk was tumbling towards unheeded.

Unfortunately, the whistling of the wind had prevented her from hearing the monster until it was too late. Now she just had to hope that the cave gave her the space needed to fight it off without putting Kirk in danger.

She ran across the ice, grabbing Kirk’s arm and propelling him towards the opening to a cave. The creature was right behind them. They plowed through the opening but the creature was not stopped by the snow entrance.

They scrambled back further until Kirk fell.

“Damnit,” she hissed as she turned to face the monster, “I hate being eaten, it’s so gross.” She widened her stance and prepared to swing but was distracted by the feel of a demon coming around the corner.

A torch carrying humanoid literally shooed the bug away.

“Fire,” she said to Kirk as she slid back to stand next to him, “why didn’t we think of that?” Buffy kept her stance, not ready to trust the demon-feeling man.

The man spun around looking at them both. His eyes fixated on Kirk. “James T. Kirk.”

“Excuse me?” Kirk asked.

“How did you find me?”

“How do you know my name?”

“I have been, and always shall be, your dearest friend,” the man replied.

“You’re Vulcan,” Buffy pointed out.

His gaze snapped to her for only a moment before returning to Kirk. “I am Spock.”

Buffy felt her jaw unhinge in surprise.

Kirk picked himself up. “Bullshit.”

“Come,” Spock said waving them on, “I have a fire going.”

Buffy remained tense but she and Kirk followed the Vulcan to a small alcove with a burning fire.

Once they were seated Buffy slid close to the fire and tried to get the feeling back in her hands.

“It is remarkably pleasing to see you again, old friend,” Spock told Kirk. “Especially after the events of today.”

Buffy chuckled. “I don’t think you have the right person. Acting Captain Spock sent him here for mutiny.”

Spock’s eyes looked her over. “You’re Lieutenant Buffy Summers.”

Buffy couldn’t say anything, it had been a long time since she had used her own name and longer still since she had heard someone say it.

“She’s Ensign Willow Winters,” Kirk said.

Spock made a soft sound.

“You know me?” Buffy asked.

“I know of you. In my time, you are a Lieutenant aboard the USS Voyager. Your ship was lost in the Delta Quadrant fifteen years before my mission. The changes made to this timeline have accelerated your joining Starfleet.”

“You’re from the future,” she concluded. Which could also explain her Slayer senses going off, he was from an alternate reality.


“I don’t understand,” Kirk said.

“You will.” Spock crossed to him. “My mind to your mind…”


Buffy pulled away from her mind meld with Spock Prime.

“She isn’t crying,” Kirk accused.

“Buffy has had Vulcan training. She is affected but in control,” Spock told him.

“Barely,” she replied working through the mess of emotions that Spock experienced relaying the story of the destruction of Romulus and the madness of Nero.

“Who are you?” Kirk asked her.

“I am immortal,” she replied. “I died at twenty-two and after being revived just go on living no matter how I die or how much I’ve wanted to.” She watched Kirk. “I’m two hundred and seventy-seven years old.”

Kirk seemed to consider her. “What planet are you from?”

“Earth. I was born in Los Angeles before the War.” She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling more exposed than she had in decades.

“Okay,” he said. He turned to Spock. “Going back in time, you changed all our lives.”

“Jim, Buffy, we must go,” Spock Prime told them. “There is a Starfleet outpost not far from here.”

“Wait,” Kirk pulled him to a stop. “Where you came from, did I know my father?”

“Yes. You often spoke of him as your inspiration for joining Starfleet.”

“George Kirk was the reason I joined Starfleet,” Buffy said.

“Another example of the changes made to the timeline,” Spock Prime told them. “We must go.”

Buffy followed them out, immediately missing the warmth of the fire.

“…She’s not who she said she is,” Kirk was saying to Spock Prime.

“Buffy had her reasons,” Spock explained. “She is more than just immortal, she is an ancient Earth warrior. The last of her kind. You nor I could understand the loneliness or fear that comes with such a burden.”

“How do you know we can trust her?”

“Because I didn’t let you come to this planet alone,” Buffy said as she quickened her pace.

“You could hear us?”

“I’m strong too, more than a Vulcan most days,” she replied. “And to answer your question, I want to stop Nero and save the universe from his weapon.”

“What were you called when you were this great warrior on Earth?” he asked.

“Slayer,” Buffy said honestly, though not ready to tell him about the demons that she was responsible for destroying at that time.

“Fine, Slayer,” he told her. “How long is it going to take you to recover from the cold?” he pointed to her fingers which were showing signs of frostbite.

“Four minutes, tops,” she said grabbing a handful of fresh snow to clean the blood off her forehead.

author: hermione2be, !2016 august event, fandom: star trek

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