
Aug 02, 2016 11:58

Author: JakeDaMan
Rating: FR18
Crossover: “DC Comics, Marvel Comics”
Written for: TtH August Fic A Day Challenge
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. DC Comics Characters belong to DC Comics. Marvel Comics Characters belong to Marvel Comics. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.
Summary: YAHF - Following Cursebreaker's Challenge #7859: A new costume + a new reality = a change of pace ( ).
Unable to get the last toy gun from Ethan's, Xander gets leftover parts of X-men costumes and becomes a new type of hero... in the DC Universe!

All around the world… (day 2)

He ran. He couldn’t stop running and it felt like he could run around the world. The lightening coursed through him energizing him to go faster, faster, faster! It was exhilarating, it was frightening! He was pure speed moving through a world of statues. Except, that is, for the person running next to him. The man in red made a ‘follow me’ gesture to the young man who nodded in acquiescence.

Next thing he knew they were stopped inside a big donut shaped building that looked like some giant decided to eat it with his morning coffee. Speaking of coffee, that was how he felt, like he was on the best caffeine high without any side effects.

The man in the red body suit pulled his mask off and said, “Pretty heady stuff, huh?”

“Ohmygodthisisamazing!” the young man blurted out. “Doyoufeellikethisallthetime? Howfastwerewegoing? Iwannarunsomemore, let’sgo, let’sgo, let’sgo!”

The man in red said, “Whoawhoawhoa! Slowdowntheretex!”

“How? HowdoIslowdown? How,how,how!?” asked the over energized teen.

“Concentrateonyourbreathing, onyourheart.” the red man responded slowing himself down. “Justconcentrateon ssssllllloooowwwwiiiinnnngggg yyyoooouuurrrr hheeaarrt rraattee down.”

Doing just that the young watched as the world started to move like some great clockwork beast that has just been wound up again. His breathing approached normal and his heart stopped beating hummingbird fast. The other people in the room began to move, their voices starting back up sounding like a slowed recording approaching regular speed.

A Hispanic dude with longish hair and a thin brunette both called out ‘Flash’ at the same time. An older black man reached in to his rumpled suit, but stopped at a gesture from the man in red. Figuring out that his name was Flash made more sense when a white guy in his early 40’s started to say ‘Flash’ but got out ‘Fl…’. Then he stopped, crossed him arms on his chest, his face scrunched up in concentration.

At least that’s what it looked like to the teen, it was either that or the guy need to take a poop. A beautiful black woman that somewhat resembled the frumpled guy, that he figured was a cop, just simply called out, “What the…!”

“There, that’s better isn’t it?” asked the man in red pulling the teens attention back to him. “How ya doin’? Feeling tired, hungry?”

The young man looked around realizing that everyone was looking at him with concern and some confusion. He said, “Yeah, I’m okay, not tired, and I could eat.”

“Alright then.” the scarlet speedster said. Turning to a long haired Hispanic looking geek he asked, “Cisco. The energy bars where they usually are?”

“Yeah Flash…” he started to respond.

“Be back in a flash.” the Flash said and he was, only this time he held a handful of energy bars in both hands.

“Eat this at normal speed so you’ll be able to feel like you actually ate something, okay?” he advised the visitor in their midst.

“Uh, okay.”

As the dark haired teenager began to munch on the energy bar the Flash said, “I’m Barry Allen, a.k.a. The Flash.”

“Oh, uh… Xander Harris, but everyone calls me Xander.” Xander replied.

The geek Cisco said, “Um, Barry. Do you really think it’s a good idea to be telling him who we are?”

“It’s all right Cisco. I don’t think our friend is from around here.” said Barry.

“Oh?” asked Cisco, eyebrows climbing into his hair trying to rejoin the motherland. “How do you figure?”

“It’s his vibrational signature. It’s not quite the same as ours.” he said as a hush fell over everyone gathered.

“Oh God.” The older black man in a rumpled suit said. “Not another Zoom!”

“Guys, it’s okay.” Barry said waving his hands in a manner saying ‘quiet down, everything’s alright’. Turning to look the teen in the eye he added, “Matter of fact, I don’t think you could even access the speed force until I showed up. Am I right?”

Hastily swallowing the last of the energy bar the teen responded, “You’re… *hack* *cough*”

Barry ‘flashed’ again and handed the newcomer a glass of water.

After gulping some down and clearing his throat Xander said, “Thanks. Um, uh yeah. It’s true, I wasn’t able to access this ‘speed force’ until you showed up Barry. Then ‘ker-zap’ and I just started running.”

You could hear the quotes around the words. He continued, “But, uh, how’s bout some introductions? Once again, I’m Xander Harris and I’m from… um, from…”

Xander’s voice slowly petered out as he realized that he couldn’t remember, well, much of anything of his life. Lightening started to play around him as the others watched him start to panic. Barry moved quickly to sooth Xander.

“Hey, hey, easy there. We’ll help you figure out who you are and where you are from, okay?” Barry said while slowly nodding his head yes to his friends and to Xander.

Xander stopped quivering in place and the lightening died down like a storm petering out before it could explode.

“There ya go, that’s right.” Barry continued talking him down.

Xander, finally calm, said, “Thanks Barry.”

“No problem, Xander. No problem at all.” Barry said and then he clasped Xander on the arm…

Just like that there were now two Xanders.

fandom: dc comics, fandom: marvel comics, author: jakedaman, !2016 august event

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