August 2 - Supply Run

Aug 02, 2016 22:11

Title: Supply Run
Author: 3am_moonlight aka mirrored_illusions
Summary: Buffy and Rime raid a pharmacy.
Crossovers: The Walking Dead (TV), Rimfrost - Trude Brænne Larssen
Characters: Buffy Summers, Rime Kvitrev (Whitefox)
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 1, 043
Challenge: The 2016 August Fic-a-Day Challenge on the Twisted Shorts comm on LJ. Day 2.
Timeline: About a decade post-Chosen for BtVS, pre-series and season one for TWD, and way post the books for Rimfrost.
Warnings: Abuse of canon, zombie related violence, off-screen major character deaths.
Disclaimer: Buffyverse characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et al. TWD belongs to whoever holds the copyright. Rimfrost belongs to Trude Brænne Larssen. The idea for this story belongs to me, but nothing else.
A/N: Part two of ‘Watch the Fall of Humanity’.

There had been no warnings. No Slayer dreams, no visions, no premonitions. Nothing. Just a gut feeling that told her something bad was coming and that she needed to be in Atlanta when it did.

It was the 32nd day after the apocalypse, and Buffy and Rime were still in Atlanta. In the month or so since the world ended they had saved several dozen people only for them to insist on getting out of the city right away. Not that they blamed any of them for wanting to get away from the increasingly large herds, but Buffy had this feeling that she had to stay. At least for now. Rime, who didn’t have to be anywhere in particular, had chosen to stay with her friend.

Today they were raiding a pharmacy, and as far as they knew it was more or less untouched as it was located on a side street. That, however, didn’t mean they had any intention of going in blind. Chances were that there would be walkers nearby, and most likely a couple inside.

Buffy shot her companion a quick look. Rime was dressed in faded blue jeans, a semi-clean blue-grey tank top, and solid army boots. Her long, snow white hair was in a braid which reached halfway down her backside. She’d kept it that way since the panic first broke out so it wouldn’t get stuck on anything, and so it would be more difficult for anyone to grab it. Buffy herself was dressed in black leather pants, a light pink tank top with My Little Pony on the front, and the same kind of army boots. Her own blonde locks hung loose around her shoulders.

As they approached the building Rime used her superior height, 6’ without shoes, to look over a wall separating a small parking space from the one next to it. A quick, silent nod and they were over and walking quickly towards a side door. Another few glances around to make sure neither the living nor the dead were around or paying attention to them, and Buffy used her Slayer strength to push in the locked door.

“Left”, Rime whispered.

“Right. Meet you in the middle, by the counter.” Came the Slayers equally low reply.

They spent the next 10 minutes or so collecting whatever they thought might be usable, some they simply took a chance on. All while keeping a wary eye on both the door they had entered through and a second door that clearly lead towards the back.

Buffy found vitamins, band-aids, bandages, first aid kits, antibiotic ointment, prenatal vitamins, pregnancy tests, sunscreen, and a number of other things which might or might not come in useful. She couldn’t get pregnant, or get STD’s for that matter, and even if she could she hadn’t had a lover in over a year so those were not for her. It was more of a safety precaution; sooner or later they would meet up with and join a group, and as sex was one of the most natural things in existence someone was bound to end up pregnant at some point.

As she walked along the rows and picked bottles and boxes off the shelves, she was listening intently to everything around her. She always knew where Rime was, she kept an ear out for any sounds out of the ordinary, and the tell-tale sounds of shuffling feet and the accompanying groaning was always there now. There was at least one walker behind the second door, probably two.

In what felt like no time at all they met by the counter.

“I found antibiotics, painkillers, bandages, and most of the other things I was hoping for, but we should probably make another run through here another day.”

Buffy simply nodded. They had a well filled storage of necessities back at the furniture store, but they would always need more of everything. And everything was suddenly in very limited supply.

“There’s one, likely two walkers behind the back door.” She turned towards the back before she turned her head towards the other woman. “Stay here while I clear the way.”

A silent nod and she picked up her pace until she stood before a normal looking blue door. The sound of shuffling feet were a little louder back here. A quick twist of the handle and she was inside, Faith’s knife in one hand and a sharp wooden stake in the other. The sound of the broken door alerted the walkers inside and they greeted her with loud groans as they began moving towards her as quickly as they could. A quick strike with the knife to number one’s forehead and he was permanently down. The second one got a stake between the eyes, before she was surprised by a third one. A child. A small black girl of about six years, with thin braids all over her head, and a face that would’ve promised beauty had she lived long enough.

Buffy bit her teeth together and plunged the knife quickly into the girl’s head before she could convince herself not to. She hated seeing dead children, and there were way too many of them in Atlanta.

After moving the three corpses out of the way she called her friend and they went through the back storage before they left as quickly and as quietly as they had arrived. Making their way back to their base while the sun was still out.

The walkers didn’t care if it was light or dark, all that mattered to them was their insatiable hunger and the humans who could temporarily feed it, but Buffy had spent nearly two decades knowing that the most dangerous things usually came out to play after dark. And that habit was hard to break, so that meant supply runs usually happened during daylight hours.

Back at the furniture store they tallied their loot. They had gotten a lot of the much-needed medicine, six bottles of water, three bottles of soda, and four cans of soup. Neither had any idea why there was soup at a pharmacy, but they didn’t care. It was food and like everything else they needed more of it.

All in all it had been a successful run.

fandom: rimfrost, fandom: the walking dead, author: 3am_moonlight, !2016 august event

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