Title: Death Is Your Gift - Option 3
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Sandman
Characters: Buffy Summers, Death
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word count: 741
WARNING!!: I have not read many of the Sandman comics/graphic novels. I know only very little and apologize if I'm completely off with Death's personality.
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Comments 3
Day Thirty-One - Accepted!
I'm not sure if you're writing Dream-Oneiros or Dream-Daniel. It might be kind of right for Daniel's voice, maybe. It really really really really doesn't feel like Oneiros. Really. If you want gentle and caring, you're probably better off using Destruction or Barnabas for this role. The other option is go for Delirium, but she's really hard to write.
I love the concept so much tho. It's always awesome when Dream's family gangs up on him. And Buffy could really use the kick in the ass from Death at this point in her life.
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