Found Family 3 : Faith's Father - Faith, Buck Wilmington - FRC

Aug 15, 2013 21:06

Title: Found Family : Faith's Father
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / The Magnificent Seven - ATF
Characters: Faith, Buck Wilmington
Rating: Suitable for all ages
Word count: 1889
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of The Magnificent Seven belong to Trilogy, etc. The ATF AU was created by MOG. All are used here without permission, no copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: none
Notes none

Summary: Faith and her father finally meet.

Faith's Father
By Beriaearwen

Six years ago
She no longer felt the prick of the needle as it slipped into her arm, but did let out a sigh of relief as the slippery silver feeling of the drug entered her system.

The relief it offered was a lie, she knew it, but she needed it so badly. It was the only good thing in her life anymore. Ever since…

Faith had been good. Her little girl, but she had let those men… She’d corrupted the gift of her little girl.

As her mind began to fog due to the drug, she vaguely realized that something was wrong with this hit, but couldn’t find it in herself to worry.

She sighed and closed her eyes,  letting her mind become lost in the feelings flowing through her body.

Snatches of phrases from old songs flitted through her mind as an image of the one good thing in her life, the only thing she hadn’t corrupted formed a clear picture.

Her mouth moved and in a whisper too soft to be heard, she name it - “Buck.”


Two weeks later

Buck was still chuckling over JD’s latest antics as he reached for his ringing phone. “Buck Wilmington,” he greeted.

“Buck? Harvey Henry.”

“Harvey? It’s been years. How are you doing? I don’t think I’ve heard from you since you moved. Where was it to again?”

“Chicago. And you’re right it has been a long time.”

Buck noted the serious tone of his voice, realizing this was most likely an official call. He started wracking his brains for any ties he might have to Chicago, but kept coming up blank. “I have a feeling this isn’t a person call, Harvey. What’s going on?”

The other man sighed. “I can’t give you a lot of details on the case, but there’s a new drug that’s hitting the streets. Being mixed in with heroine. Guaranteed death or insanity to anyone stupid enough to use it.”

Buck felt his shoulders tense. That was really not good news, but he also knew it wasn’t why Harvey called. “That’s not good. But that’s not why you called.”

Harvey sighed again. “No, it’s not. One of the patrolmen responded to a complaint about something being wrong in their neighboring apartment. Given the neighborhood, we called the meat wagon. About the only time the neighbors complain is when they want a dead body gone.”

“I’m assuming there’s a reason that the complaint warranted a call to me?” Buck said, a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.

“The… er… victim was a long time user. Didn’t have much of anything, but we did find three pieces of paper hidden in her freezer. From the look of the paper, they’re probably a few years old, but…”

“One of them had my name on it.” Buck surmised. “Who was it Harvey?”

“Two pieces had your name on them,” Harvey corrected. “The victim’s name was Rachel Digby.”

Buck’s brow furrowed for a moment before he came up with a face and a name. “Rachel,” he murmured, remembering his childhood friend. He felt a pang of sorrow over what her life must have been to lead to such an end. “And the papers,” he asked. Something about the way Harvey said it had him curious.

“One looks like a letter. The other is a certificate of live birth. Congrats Buck. It’s a girl.”


Present Day

Faith idly flipped through her copy of the folder as she paced back and forth at the end of the table.. She was paying attention and taking in every word.

After a few months trial and error, they discovered Slayers learned better when they were doing something physical. It came as more of a surprise than it should have given the gifts the slayers were given. With this new knowledge study sessions for slayers usually involved some sort of activity - reading while on a treadmill, getting a lecture while working on their balance, etc. It originally drove the non-slayers batty, but they adjusted soon enough.

And when meeting outsiders, she, Buffy and any slayers with them, could and did sit still.

This meeting was about something a slayer in Denver stumbled upon. Apparently a particularly enterprising group of demons had decided to channel their love of violence into selling guns. This wouldn’t be a problem for the Council if they’d kept to the chain of stores they opened. As far as the Council was concerned, as long as they didn’t attack humans or try to end or take over the world, they had as much right to earn a living as any other being.

The problem was, they’d gotten greedy.

Not satisfied with legal sales, the Councils’ research and the files they’d gotten from the ATF showed that the demons had become one of the biggest illegal arms suppliers in Colorado.

From straw purchases and back-alley deals to clandestine shipments , this group were making their mark and beginning to draw a lot of attention.

Someone in the know had passed along the information from the ATF team investigating this particular demon group.

Now, as the time to move on them approached, the higher ups in the know at the ATF and the Council felt it best to have some Council people on the ground, thus the meeting.

Faith finished the information on the demons and began skimming the histories provided on the team.

Flipping through the first two quickly, she froze as the name and picture of the third member caught her eyes.

Her mind reeled with the information. Staring at her from a standard government ID photo was the face of her father.

She’d known since she was nine what his name was, but never in a million years did she ever think he’d still be alive. She always thought he died while in the Navy which was why he never came to rescue her.

When Diana came to take her away, Faith’s first question had been if her father sent her. A part of her knew it couldn’t be, but the little girl still alive in her had hoped.

A paperclip landing on the page startled her out of her reverie.

Looking up, she saw Buffy watching her with a concerned look.

Shaking her head softly, she took a seat at the table and waited until the briefing wound down. The fewer people she had to tell, the more comfortable she felt about it.

Eventually, there were only the three who would be involved and Giles.

“So, what’s the what, Faith?” Xander asked, his good eye focusing on the brunette.

Taking a deep breath, she figured she’d just say it.

“ATFE agent Buck Wilmington is my bio-dad. He never knew and I never met him,” she blurted. “I wouldn’t say anything, but this sort of stuff always blows up in our faces if we try to keep it a secret.”

Xander, Buffy and Giles exchanged looks. It seemed to be a Scooby way of life that secrets would be revealed at the worst possible moment and cause whatever was going on to be about a thousand times worse than it should be.

“We’ll meet with him before and find out if it will be a problem,” Buffy stated. “We need you on this one, Faith. You’re most familiar with the procedures and such.”

Faith nodded. She really didn’t want to face this drama, especially not when she was still reeling from seeing her father for the first time.

“We’ll fly out tomorrow morning,” Xander said.

“In the meantime, I’ll find out what I can about Agent Wilmington that’s not in the short bio,” Giles added.


Next afternoon

The three representatives from the Watcher’s Council sat quietly at the table. Or, as quietly as any of them ever sat.

Their escort remained in the room.

Their request to speak with Agent Wilmington on a personal matter prior to their official briefing had been approved, so they arrived a full hour early.

They all looked toward the door as a deep laugh sounded in the hallway. A moment later two men stepped into the room. The trio immediately identified them as Chris Larabee and Buck Wilmington.

As soon as the two men entered, their escort slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Faith, Xander and Buffy all stood to greet the two men. They had sent their own bios ahead so they would start on as even ground as they could manage. There were some things these agents couldn’t find out about.

“Agent Larabee. Agent Wilmington. I’m Buffy Summers and these are my colleagues, Xander and Faith.”

The agents took the offered hands and shook all three.

None of the Council people missed the confused looks on the men’s faces at Xander and Faith being introduced by only their first names, but it had been decided that, when it came to working with the government, the less they knew, the better.

As they settled, Chris took the lead in questioning. “I have to say, Miss Summers - “

“Buffy, “ the blonde quickly corrected. “We don’t stand on formality.”

“As we can tell,” Chris said dryly, a small grin quirking the corner of his mouth. “We’re both curious as to why a group which we can’t know about is sending people to interfere in a case that is heading into the last phases. But those concerns can wait until later. Still, I’m not about to leave him alone in here with such unknown quantities.”

Buffy sat, face perfectly placid at this recital. Xander’s eye was twinkling and Faith looked uncomfortable.

“That is between Faith and Agent Wilmington,” Buffy stated. “Faith do you want us here or to wait in the hall?”

“If he’s staying, you might as well too,” the brunette said with a shrug. “I’m sure it’ll get around to his team quick enough.

“What will?” Buck asked, leaning forward in his curiosity.

Faith cleared her throat and opened her mouth, but the words wouldn’t come.

Seeing his friend’s distress, Xander took the folder from under Faith’s hands and slid it across the table. “You voluntarily offered a sample of your DNA prior to leaving the service,” he said as Wilmington opened the folder. “Congratulations, Dad. It’s a girl.”

The look of shock on Buck’s face disappeared far more quickly than they would have thought as a different expression appeared, one they hadn’t expected - relief and hope.

“You’re Faith? Rachel’s and my Faith?” he asked, his voice betraying a slight tremble.

“Rachel was my mom’s name. She said you were my dad,” Faith said, unsettled and hopeful. Nodding at the folder she added, “That says it’s true.”

“I’ve been searching for you since I found out about you six years ago,” Buck said, rising from his chair and heading around the table.

The Scoobies shifted, preparing for an attack.

“Can I…,” Buck trailed off, reaching down and enveloping Faith in a hug.

Faith stiffened for a moment, not being the most touch-oriented of people, but the feeling of safety and belonging that seemed to sweep over her had her reaching up to hug him back.


!2013 august event, fandom: magnificent seven, author: beriaearwen

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