8/17: A Little Something to Think About

Aug 17, 2009 23:48

Title: A Little Something to Think About
Author: Christy
Rating: FR15
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these series....I'm just borrowing the situation for a bit.  However, the creation of Alissa is something I'e been working on for years
Genre: Gen/AU
Fandoms: Angel/Highlander
Word Count: 383
Timeline: Set after the series for Angel and during the series for Highlander
Written For: twistedshorts Fic #15
Summary: Hugh Fitzcarin runs into Alissa in 1960s London

Hugh Fitzcarin was nothing if not cautious.  It had served him well so far in his 800 or so years and if the tingling at the back of his skull was any indication, he might be able to stay alive a little while longer.  But he certainly wasn't expecting who came barrelling around the corner and rammed into him, knocking his modish clothes all askew.
"Alissa? Damn fine way to run into you.  What are you doing in London, luv? I haven't seen you since the War...or was it the Second one I ran into you during?"
Alissa chuckled as she linked arms with him and led him away from the direction she'd been coming from.  "Well, I'm enjoying the Continent as my own freewheeling daughter to create another name for myself," she explained with a smirk.  "in the mood for a pint, Fitz?  It's on me, for not having seen you since the 40s."


Fitz's head spun and it was from more than just the alcohol.  Alissa had always been enthusiastic in bed and tonight had been no different.  He'd hoped it would end that way after she'd made her offer for drinks, and he had definitely been glad that she been open to what he'd had planned after drinks.  He reached for her now, eager for another round, but her side of the bed was empty and growing cold. He got up and wandered around his flat for a bit before happening to glance out one of the windows to see her fighting.  At first he thought it might be another Immortal, but she was fighting with only a small knife in her hand rather than her katana.  He watched her feint left, then when her assailant lunged, she stabbed him in the heart, turning him to dust.  Nodding in conprehension, he went back to bed to wait for her.


Alissa always hated when her Immortal and Slayer paths crossed. She knew a few Immortals knew a good portion of the Slayer mythos, such as Methos and Duncan.  She looked over at Fitz, who sat patiently waiting for the answers to his reasonable questions, and she sighed mentally.
"Why do I bother fighting vampires, Fitz?  Because I used to be a Slayer, once upon a time, and old habits die hard."

author: christy, !2009 august event, fandom: highlander

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