Fic: Translate This

Aug 04, 2009 01:50

 Title: Translate This
Author: Who I am
Rating: PG?
Disclaimer: Don’t own them
Fandom’s: Shows involved
Challenge: #86 Language from tth100 
Pairing: Abby/Dawn      
Word Count: #488         
Summary: The team has to bring in a language expert to translate a piece of paper.
Note: Written for 
twistedshorts Fic #4

Abby Sciuto stared at her computer screen that held the letter that Gibbs had received from the kidnapper an hour ago. She still couldn’t make out the language that it was and none of her search engines were picking up a translation.

Elen sila lumenn omentilmo

Aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle

Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle

Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva

Abby sighed knowing that she would need help. She called in a favor and an hour later she had one of the best language translators in the United States walking into her lab. Abby had never met someone young who knew so much about languages, both dead and alive. She was surprised because this woman was younger then Ziva and she could speak, read, and write even more languages then Ziva could.

“Hi I’m Dawn Summers,” Dawn said introducing herself, “You must be Abigail Sciuto. My sister asked me to help you out with a translation.”

“Yup,” Abby replied, “But please call me Abby.”

Abby motioned for Dawn to come stand next to her. Then she pulled the letter that Gibbs had given to her up on the computer screen. She watched as Dawn studied it as she tried to work out a translation. She couldn’t help but think how cute she looked as she thought. Then Dawn started to laugh when it dawned on her what language it was.

“Whoever sent this to you could be confirmed as a geek,” Dawn explained her laughter.

“What do you mean?” Abby asked still confused.

“Have you ever seen Lord of the rings?” Dawn asked and when Abby nodded she continued, “This is the language spoken by Elves in the books. It’s a made up language.”

Moments later Gibbs walked into the lab along with the rest of his team. He immediately asked what they had so far. Dawn re explained how the language was connected to the movie Lord of the Rings.

“How come you don’t speak that language McGeek?” Tony teased.

McGee glared at Tony and Gibbs smacked him in the back of the head.

“Sorry,” Tony apologized, “That’s not relevant.”

“So what does it translate as?” Gibbs asked Dawn.

“It easily translates to ‘A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting. May the wind fill your sails. May thy paths be green and the breeze on thy back. Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet’,” Dawn replied knowing they would not want her to explain each phrase separately.

The team glanced at each other and it seemed they knew what each other was thinking as they ran out of the room. Dawn figured they knew exactly what they were looking for now. She hadn’t been told much about the case beside the letter but she hoped they closed whatever case they were working on.

“Do they always do that?” Dawn asked.

“Pretty much,” Abby replied with a smile.

fandom: ncis, author: zeevah89, !2009 august event

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