12 August 2019 - Somewhere In The Middle (Maybe, but probably not)

Aug 12, 2019 22:00

Title: Somewhere In The Middle (Maybe, but probably not)
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Stargate: SG1
Characters: Buffy, Jon, Jack
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 884
Related Fic: The Start
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Stargate: SG1 belong to their respective creators, production companies, etc. and are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Bit scattered this week, lots going on (again). Hopefully this weekend I can get back to my plans about where Clint was (poor Clint), what the mini!Scoobies have been up to (poor Avengers), and maybe a few other fics that have been kicking around my head for a while. In the meantime... I seem to be having a very parenthetical evening (ya think?)

Summary: Three years ago Jon had contacted him out of the blue and asked him to his wedding.

Somewhere In The Middle (Maybe, but probably not)
By Beriaearwen

Jack sealed off the bag into which he'd emptied the ashes. It was times like these he missed his house in Colorado Springs. Well, to be more specific, he missed his deck at the house in Colorado springs. Still, at least it wasn't as cold here as it was there.

And he found himself once more doing whatever he could to not think about the couple who was coming in just a few minutes. There were many things about the Summers that made him uncomfortable, not the least of which was his clone taking his wife's name.

That was the first thing that made him uncomfortable, the clone. He had never really made peace with the clone, but Danny had eventually pointed out that Jack was, really, the only family that Jon had. Jack really hadn't cared. It was a far too awkward situation for him and, he was sure, for his clone. It was why they had more or less agreed to part ways and live their lives separately.

Three years ago, Jon had contacted him out of the blue and asked him to come to his wedding. While Jack had little interest in doing so and was about to refuse when he had to admit to a little curiosity as to what sort of life Jon had made for himself. Besides, at a wedding he wouldn't have to spend much time with him.

Of course, Jack realized he should have asked a few more questions of his clone before accepting, but hindsight is always 50-50. Apparently Jon had not only managed to become involved with the very mysterious Council who everyone of his contacts had been desperately trying to find out more about, but was actually marrying one of the senior people in it. Not that the little punk had told him that. No, Jon had waited until after his honeymoon to show up at a meeting with all the appropriate power players in Washington to reveal that point. Jack was not amused, especially when several people commented on how similar they looked.

Still, per the President's and Joint Chief's instructions, he had maintained communications with Jon and Buffy - thankfully usually through Giles or Dawn - and worked to get over his hang-ups.

After three years he was getting better. It helped that Jon's life was so different than his own, even if he still didn't know the entirety of what the Council did. He still couldn't imagine himself passing up the military life, passing up the opportunity to fight for the Earth, but then, he wouldn't be the one who had to go back to the academy as a student.

The doorbell rang and, shaking himself out of his stupor, he went to answer it.

He glanced through the peephole and relaxed slightly at the sight of Buffy waving.

Opening the door his greeting died on his lips.

“Hi Jack!” Buffy offered cheerfully, standing on her tip-toes to place a kiss on his cheek.

“Old man,” Jon teased, smiling at the gob-smacked expression on the original's face.

“You're pregnant!” Jack finally exclaimed.

“That's what the ultrasound and the doctors say,” Buffy agreed.

“Mind if we discuss this more inside?” Jon asked, amused at Jack's shock.

“Of course,” Jack agreed, opening the door wider so they could enter.

The couple chatted at him, making smalltalk until he seemed to get his bearings. Once he did, he congratulated them and asked if they knew the sex (they wanted a surprise), when she was due (four months) and all the other pertinent questions one was to ask in such a situation. He also managed to catch up on what was going on in their live, catch them up on what was going on in his (not enough time for fishing may have been mentioned a few times) and actually manage to enjoy the evening.

It was while they were drinking coffee and having dessert that he finally asked. “So, what are you two dancing around right now that's keeping you from really relaxing tonight?”

The couple exchanged looks. When they turned back, Buffy took the lead. “Well, the only blood family the two of us have who we can spend time with is Dawn.,” she began.

“Our families are by choice more than by blood,” Jon added. “But...”

“But?” Jack asked when they trailed off, assuming they were going to ask him to be godfather or something.

“But you're the only blood family on Jon's side and we felt it important that the kid have those connections,” Buffy babbled. “We were hoping you'd agree to be his or her grandfather.”

Jack blinked at the couple while he processed that information. After Charlie, he had never wanted another family, never wanted … But this was different. Grandfather... It would mean spending more time around Jon, but it had to be weirder for Jon than it was for him. How do you ask your clone to be grandfather to a kid who is genetically theirs?

Still... A smile formed on his face. This was something he could do. “You sure you want to try that? I'll most likely spoil the kid rotten.”

“Thats what grandfathers are for,” Buffy agreed, smiling.

Yeah. He could do this.


!2019 august event, fandom: stargate sg1, author: beriaearwen

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