Wishlist 2012 - Prompt Post

Oct 25, 2012 09:50

Wishlist 2012, Prompt Post ('cause I don't have the money to give you all real Christmas presents)

6/6 Prompts - FILLED! Oct 25. Thanks!

I took part in Wishlist last year, and for some reason it took me forever to fill the 12 prompts, so this year I'm only taking 6 (unless someone shows up and begs asks really nicely for a Christmas present or I ( Read more... )

~news, ~wishlist, ~prompt

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Comments 21

ladygreysun October 17 2012, 18:16:42 UTC
I don't know if you've written Revolution before, but since it's on your list..How about the first time Miles had to torture/Kill someone? I'd like it to be slightly angsty, but Miles being Miles he wouldn't show it, especially in front of Monroe and their men. So that's right after the blackout. Could be set in a flashback or a nightmare...
Anyway that wishlist is awesome!


twisted_slinky October 17 2012, 18:23:00 UTC
Yay! First prompt! :D I figured I'd give writing for Revolution a try, since I've been keeping up with it (and enjoying it). This sounds like a fun prompt to fill. Thanks!


lolaann1 October 17 2012, 18:51:47 UTC
fandom: Dexter, Supernatural
Pairing: none
prompt: The boys are convinced that the Bay Harbor Butcher case is just their type of gig.


twisted_slinky October 17 2012, 21:19:49 UTC
Okay, I've seriously been looking for an excuse to write an actual Dexter/Supernatural crossover. Thanks a bunch for the prompt!


twisted_slinky December 3 2012, 05:14:01 UTC
Hey, just a quick question slightly related to the prompt...Are you caught up in the current season? :D


lolaann1 December 3 2012, 12:42:00 UTC
yes, I am. Was going to dvr them and have a fest, because I enjoy things more that way, but damn my lack of self control ;) I failed miserably on Walking Dead too.


roselani24 October 17 2012, 19:13:10 UTC
Oooh, the Wishlist again! Count me in! :D Its been awesome reading the Wishlist from last year as they've been slowly filled.

So here's a prompt if you're interested:

In S8 of SPN (so spoilers!!!!) Dean has become close with a vampire during his year trapped in Purgatory. Basically foxhole buddies. What if Dean met a different vampire? What if he met one Damon Salvatore and they worked together to bust out of Purgatory? How and why Damon wound up there is up to you. Mainly I'd like a good dose of angst, banter, and bonding between the two as they fight through the masses of monsters, like those gorilla wolves Dean mentioned. Bonus points if Cas makes an appearance. :)


twisted_slinky October 17 2012, 21:23:14 UTC
I seriously just clapped my hands with glee. This is going to be so much fun to write! I wrote a SPN/TVD xover casefic for last year's Wishlist and was surprised at how well Dean and Damon's personalities worked together. And, as I love Cas, I'm all but certain he will make an appearance. Thanks for the great prompt!


roselani24 November 2 2012, 20:23:35 UTC
You're welcome. I'm glad you like the prompt! Can't wait to see what you come up with! :D

Oooh, I remember that SPN/TVD fic from last year. It was very well done and Dean and Damon meshed quite nicely. I may or may not have reread it several times since it was posted *eyes shift guiltily* Hee, and who doesn't like imagining Dean, whose the size of Alaric, snarking with Damon, someone whose actually shorter than him?? Sorry, that just tickles me because poor Jensen is called 'the little one' because of Jared when he's actually really tall too. So with Damon/Ian he has the chance to be the tall one. *g* Okay, don't mind me. I'm weird that way.

Anywho, have a great day!


twisted_slinky November 18 2012, 20:23:03 UTC
Sooo I'm actually using your prompt to write a mini-bang, which should be posted some time in December. That's how much I love the idea of Dean and Damon hanging out in Purgatory :D


xgirl2222 October 18 2012, 00:13:28 UTC
Can I have a place holder while I write my prompt?


twisted_slinky October 18 2012, 00:27:11 UTC
Certainly--I'll consider you my 4th prompter ;)


twisted_slinky December 2 2012, 07:11:34 UTC
I think you might have forgotten to drop me a prompt, but it's not too late to do so, if you'd like.


xgirl2222 December 3 2012, 03:29:44 UTC
Sorry about the late prompt but I was one of the many east coaster who was bitch slapped by hurricane Sandy. And though I wasn't as hard hit as some (thank God), being without power for as long as I was compounded by the subsequent gas crisis, and Thanksgiving preparations, means its only now that things are starting to normalize. If you decide it's too late to include my prompt, I'll completely understand ( ... )


patriciatepes October 18 2012, 02:26:44 UTC
Okay, got one!

Revolution/Supernatural xover. And I know you know what's coming from me...

SPN S8 spoilers! What if, just maybe, the power leaving earth had something--everything--to do with closing Hell's gates?

Sam, Dean, Crowley at the very least from SPN please and any and all you would like from Revolution!


twisted_slinky October 18 2012, 02:38:19 UTC
Yes, I will definitely enjoy writing this one. Leave it to you to turn one of our chat conversations over to me :D

Hmm...now I'm wondering if I can somehow work in that Jeremy-Baker-Looks-Like-Luci's-Old-Vessel thing in...guess it depends on how long that sucker turns out ;)


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