Wishlist 2012 - Prompt Post

Oct 25, 2012 09:50

Wishlist 2012, Prompt Post ('cause I don't have the money to give you all real Christmas presents)

6/6 Prompts - FILLED! Oct 25. Thanks!

I took part in Wishlist last year, and for some reason it took me forever to fill the 12 prompts, so this year I'm only taking 6 (unless someone shows up and begs asks really nicely for a Christmas present or I ( Read more... )

~news, ~wishlist, ~prompt

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xgirl2222 December 3 2012, 03:29:44 UTC
Sorry about the late prompt but I was one of the many east coaster who was bitch slapped by hurricane Sandy. And though I wasn't as hard hit as some (thank God), being without power for as long as I was compounded by the subsequent gas crisis, and Thanksgiving preparations, means its only now that things are starting to normalize. If you decide it's too late to include my prompt, I'll completely understand.

Fandom: Vampire Diaries/Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Elena, Stefan, Damon, Stefan/ElenaDamon (no incest, just in the sense that it's the triangle that will never end. Especially now that Elena is a vampire) for VD. Sheppard, Teyla, McKay, Ronon, Lorne, and Carson mostly for SGA
Setting: After season 3 for VD. Anytime after Ronon became part of the team for SGA

Prompt: Vampire Elena decides she's not going to spend her unlife in Mystic Falls and where Elena goes Stefan and Damon follow. Elena and the boys go to college. Elena gets her MD in psychology and becomes a world renowned psychologist who specializes in PTSD and patients who have high risk jobs. Stefan graduates medical school only to do groundbreaking work in immunology and gene splicing and Damon writes a series of anthropology papers to go with his anthro Ph.D. that sets the community on it's ear. All three of them are recruited for Atlantis. The locals beside wondering at their youth, and betting on which brother is actually Elena's boyfriend are mostly curious on just why the 3 of them think space vampires are so amusing. When the 3 of them are the only survivors of a devastating wraith attack that curiosity becomes sharp interest. Whether Sheppard and Co find out what their hiding or Team Salvatore (which includes Elena) is able to hide their truth and/or deflect their interest is up to you.


twisted_slinky December 3 2012, 04:47:33 UTC
I'm just happy you're okay! I thought something might be wrong. It's definitely not too late to include your prompt (though, heaven knows if I'll get all of them written in Dec., since a few of them are begging to be longer).

I would never have thought of this prompt, or probably this crossover, on my own, but now that you've fed it to my plotbunnies, they're reproducing at top speed. I can't wait to brainstorm for this. :D


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