Art Masterpost: Some Things Are Brighter in the Dark, Dean/Castiel [SPNReverse]

Jan 29, 2016 00:09

My piece for the spn-reversebang this year was claimed by the lovely Elizabeth1985ff, who wrote a long, beautiful (not to mention hot) Destiel story inspired by the piece.

Story Link: Some Things are Brighter in the Dark
Story Summary: Dean Campbell had an alright life. Nothing really to complain about. Well... except the seizures, and the general sensation that something was ( Read more... )

~masterpost, type: fan art, pairing: dean/cas, ~big bang, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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Comments 9

emmatheslayer January 29 2016, 06:48:35 UTC
Great work


twisted_slinky January 30 2016, 03:39:45 UTC
Thanks! :D


selenic76 January 29 2016, 07:28:14 UTC
That is just gorgeous! The sketches are wonderful, but when you add the colours and textures they just rise to a whole new level of awesome :)

Oh and did you draw the text too, or is that a font? (If it is, please tell me the name of it) Love how you've positioned the words.

Love the art, and it really makes me want to read the fic! Great work, thank you for making and sharing! ^_^


twisted_slinky January 30 2016, 03:41:35 UTC
Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed these. I finally added the link to the story. I'd been looking for an excuse to use that lovely text--it's called "Things We Said," and I believe I downloaded it from daFont.


sandy79 January 29 2016, 19:28:59 UTC
Fabulous work! Love the pencil drawing!


twisted_slinky January 30 2016, 03:42:32 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the drawing. :D


elizabeth1985ff January 31 2016, 22:28:57 UTC
I absolutely loved this piece of art, and you did such a great job on the header as well! Had a great time working with you! Thank you so much for your talent and I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story :)


amberdreams February 1 2016, 10:43:25 UTC
I love that font, thanks for naming it!
I really like your prompt piece, I remember noticing it when we were logging submissions because the textures and colours are so atmospheric. Now I see you used a pencil drawing as the base and that explains a lot - it's a technique I really love using myself, I think it adds a certain warmth and grittiness to a picture.


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