Art Masterpost: Some Things Are Brighter in the Dark, Dean/Castiel [SPNReverse]

Jan 29, 2016 00:09

My piece for the spn-reversebang this year was claimed by the lovely Elizabeth1985ff, who wrote a long, beautiful (not to mention hot) Destiel story inspired by the piece.

Story Link: Some Things are Brighter in the Dark
Story Summary: Dean Campbell had an alright life. Nothing really to complain about. Well... except the seizures, and the general sensation that something was wrong. But then he crashed the Impala, and two days later an innocuous man moved in across the hall and everything changed. It was intense how he felt about Cas, this blue-eyed mysterious guy that said the strangest things. Dean fell for him so hard it was borderline insane. As much as it terrified him, Dean gave into it... let himself be happy. Of course, that was when it happened, when something shattered the lie. The mystery of his life had been solved, but what would it cost him?

Here's the artwork.

Original Reverse Bang Submission:

Because I know some of you enjoy these sorts of things, here are the original pencil WIP drawings...

((Apparently I subconsciously draw phallic shapes after midnight...))

In Elizabeth's story, Dean wears both his necklaces, so I adjusted the original image slightly, for fun...

*For those wondering, the text used in the banner is called "Things We Said." I'd been looking for an excuse to use it.

~masterpost, type: fan art, pairing: dean/cas, ~big bang, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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