My perception of time has been thrown completely out of whack. It suddenly dawned on me that I'm at the end of yet another semester. It feels strange, perhaps especially since I only followed one class this spring. I sit here with a feeling that I should have done so much more. I should be out there actively exposing myself to try and figure out
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Comments 23
And I'm sure the answer they're thinking in the back of their minds (even if they don't give voice to it) is something along the lines of:
...but they're all straight, so it's okay!
Well then what about heterosexual couples who choose not to have children?
It's to my understanding that straight couples who choose not to have children are egoistic, unstable, and bound to lead sad, miserable, meaningless lives. These are statements I've had thrown my way when I've told people I don't plan on having kids, anyway 8D The mind boggles. Especially because gay couples who want to have kids are also being stamped as egoistic. What is more selfish? Wanting children or choosing not to? I'm confused :P
But does she present some hard evidence of a man getting rejected for sperm donations just because he has wonky ears? I somehow strongly doubt it ( ... )
"Bare sosialister og humanetikere kan nå gifte seg etter den nye ekteskapsloven." lol, that saves my ass at least.
Her new book seems pretty lol. I'm tempted to borrow it at a library when it's out just to see what's really going on.
ETA: and, uh, I can't believe someone would write shallow crap like that and call themselves a philosopher, seriously. I had thought the stupid essentialising of so called "traditional" families was finally passé (funny how people define 'traditional' as "the 1,5 centuries I care to remember because they fit my narrow ideas!" instead of looking for true historical veracity, but, eh...)
It feels like a slap in the face to have works like Monsen's be awarded now. We obviously still have a lot of things to work with even though same-sex marriage has been legalised. This whole Freedom of Expression Prize thing just took the debate a hundred steps backward.
My question is, would they give out this prize money regardless of the topic? Would they have given it out to a person who was speaking out just as passionately FOR gay marriage instead of against? Because if they would, then not giving it to her would mean not being consistent with impartiality (the Wikipedia definition.)
and I mean 'morally harmful' -- from what I gather, Monsen is coming from a position of privilege here and tries to undermine the legitimacy of equal marriages, when those are still in a vulnerable position (reactionist/conservative backlash, hah). So the bully example is apt -- there's a really skeevy power imbalance here that makes the awarding of this price so indecent, IMO.
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