Supernatural 6.20

May 07, 2011 09:10

I decided to sleep on this and see if I felt differently in the morning but no... I still think Sam, Dean, and Bobby are huge hypocrites. Every single one of them -- and, in fact, all of the Winchesters that we've met -- have made deals with demons, most of the MULTIPLES deals, and would have made even more if not for demons eventually turning them down. So what's with all the judgment towards Cas? Cas was working with Crowley to avert another apocalypse, right? Not exactly a selfish motivation or just for kicks. So why so judgey, Winchesters and Bobby?

I don't see how Cas interrupting Dean's yard work would have changed anything. These are angels. Dean is completely out of his league in their fights and that's... yeah, pretty much why I want to see the whole God/heaven/angels business wrapped up and done with.

Granted, if Cas really did deliberately leave Sam's soul in the cage then that's certainly a betrayal, not to mention personally offensive since it led to a long, boring, drawn-out arc.

But IDK, dealings with demons are pretty common in this universe that they've established. And as much as I hate having to side with Cas over Sam and Dean... leaving Cas in the flaming prison and walking away didn't please me at all.

And Cas, don't tell them "it's complicated" -- start at the beginning and tell them why you did what you did. Sheesh.

All that said, I really enjoyed this episode. I think I would have enjoyed this entire season more had Cas' story been taking place in the background over many episodes instead of given to us all at once, but this was an interesting episode. Favorite part: the glamour-shot of Crowley in Hell's waiting line. Heh. Nice touch, guys.

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