Fic - Possessive - Chapter 11

Apr 02, 2010 14:29

Title - Possessive
Chapter - Attacked (11/20?)
Rating - R/NC-17
Pairing - Jake/Paul, canon couples
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, things would be much much different. As it is, all characters and recognisable plots belong to Stephenie Meyer and her affiliates. I'm just doing this for fun!
Spoiler - Up to New Moon at least.
Warnings - OOC - I thought I would put this here just in case people read it and are like 'it's OOC'. Paul isn't as angry in this story, but there is a reason for that. After all Paul calmed down a lot in BD *cough*. Not that that's hint or anything ;).
Summary - Possessive can be defined as "having or manifesting a desire to control or dominate another, especially in order to limit that person's relationships with others". Paul isn't the only one in La Push who's possessive.
A/N - *cough* to make up for not having this up on Monday as promised, I've posted both chapters. Sorry to those who were waiting. It's been one hectic week and I also think I'm coming down with the flu.
A/N 2 - As always huge, huge thanks to those who reviewed. Reviews make me smile. *chocolate* for you guys. Also big, big thanks to everyone who read  *cookies for you*.

Chapter 11

Paul breathes heavily, grinning up at the dark haired boy above him, hands roaming over his chest, smiling as the other boy leans into him.

“Jake,” he murmurs, groaning as Jake grinds down against him, smile crossing Jake’s face as he leans closer, cool breaths wafting across Paul’s mouth.

“Paul,” he says, before closing the distance, mouth closing over Paul’s, tongue entering his mouth with no hesitation. Paul lets his hands roam down Jake’s back, before one reaches up to tangle in his hair, eyes closing and letting himself just focus on the cool lips against his.

“Jake,” he murmurs again, as the kiss ends, opening his eyes and freezing.

It’s no longer Jake that he sees on top of him, but the leech. He tries to push him off, but the blood sucker is too quick for him, pinning his hands above his head and nuzzling his neck, kissing the spot where he had bitten him.

“Paul,” he whispers, drawing back, one hand holding his hands, while the other trails down his abdomen.

“Get off,” he yells, struggling underneath the cold monster.

“He’ll never accept you, mei lupus,” the leech says, nose rubbing against Paul’s cheek. “He doesn’t really want you. He doesn’t deserve you. And soon he’ll just be a memory, gone, like a dream.”

Paul feels his heart stop, the words sinking in and starting an anger that he never knew existed. Somehow he manages to get his leg in between himself and the leech, pushing him away with a strength that obviously shocks the vamp.

The kick sends the leech flying, his nails raking down Paul’s arms, leaving small bloody marks. Snarling, Paul phases without even thinking, something in him burning at the thought of Jake being a memory.

Paul? Sam asks, before he looks at Paul’s memories, a snarl leaving the alpha. We’ll be there in a moment.

Jake, he thinks desperately. Eyes on the enemy in front of him, but mind on the boy he had imprinted on. He’s hurt Jake.

“You should not think of the boy, Paul,” the leech says, moving slowly towards him. “He is nothing. Nothing but an annoyance, a tease, a temporary barrier between us.”

Paul snaps as the blood sucker reaches a hand out. He can feel the anger bubbling under the surface, but there’s also something he doesn’t want to acknowledge, something that might be fear. He pushes it to the back of his mind, focusing on the fact that this leech has threatened Jake.

“Don’t make this difficult,” the blood sucker continues, moving slowly around the room.

Paul growls, snapping at the hand that’s reaching out towards him again, before diving out the window, the vamp just behind him. He feels relief when Sam and Jared are there, already fighting the vamp, but he doesn’t think about it for too long, already running towards the house that he needs to get to.

As he approaches the Black house, the smell of vampire is so strong that it makes his eyes almost water, the smell irritating his nose. He stalks towards the house, growling low in his throat when he realizes that the vamp went in through the front door.

Moving around the house quickly, he stops outside Jake’s open window, the sickly sweet smell coming out of the room telling him all he needs to know. With a growl he jumps through the window, body landing just in front of Jake, who is staring wide eyed at the leech standing in his door.

The blood sucker hisses and Paul snarls in response, the rage and anger he usually feels when faced with vamps doubled, as he smells the blood coming from Jake. The vamp takes one last look at Jake before jumping out the window, Paul following close behind, managing to tackle him before he’s gotten fair.

Paul clamps his jaw down on the leech’s neck, pulling back with all his strength, grim satisfaction running through him as he feels the flesh give. Somehow the vamp manages to get up again, running off into the forest.

We’ve got them, he hears Embry snarl, his three pack brothers running past, seeing from their minds that the other leech had also managed to get away. He turns and is shocked to see Jake standing just outside his window, his eyes wide, one hand pushing onto his shoulder, stemming blood from flowing.

He takes a step towards him and feels hurt that Jake takes a step back until he’s flush against the house. He has to remind himself that Jake doesn’t know about the pack and right now he’s standing in his back yard, a huge wolf staring at him, having attacked a … person.


Paul’s head swings to see Rachel and Billy coming around the side of the house. Rachel’s huge eyes on him, Billy’s widening in understanding.

“Oh my …” Rachel trails off, moving closer to Jake and grabbing his arm, pulling him back towards where they had just come. “Come on, Jake.”

Jake seems to resist her actions, eyes staring hard at Paul, face full of confusion, his eyes showing that he’s trying to figure something out.

“Jake, come on,” Rachel says again, pulling on his arm, eyes widening as she realizes that her brother’s bleeding.

“Yeah,” he breathes, his eyes still resting on Paul, as Rachel pulls him around the house, towards the front door.

“We’ll make sure he’s okay,” Billy murmurs, giving him a small nod, before following his family around the house.

Paul wants to phase so bad that his body’s shaking. He wants to make sure that Jake is okay, that there isn’t any permanent damage done, but he can’t. Jake’s okay, Billy said he would make sure he was okay, and his pack is out there fighting two filthy blood suckers.

He glances at the house one more time, before turning and running into the woods.

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fanfic: possessive, pairing: jake/paul, fandom: twilight

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