Fic - Possessive - Chapter 10

Mar 26, 2010 10:01

Title - Possessive
Chapter - Uneasy Meeting (10/20?)
Rating - R/NC-17
Pairing - Jake/Paul, canon couples
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, things would be much much different. As it is, all characters and recognisable plots belong to Stephenie Meyer and her affiliates. I'm just doing this for fun!
Spoiler - Up to New Moon at least.
Warnings - OOC - I thought I would put this here just in case people read it and are like 'it's OOC'. Paul isn't as angry in this story, but there is a reason for that. After all Paul calmed down a lot in BD *cough*. Not that that's hint or anything ;).
Summary - Possessive can be defined as "having or manifesting a desire to control or dominate another, especially in order to limit that person's relationships with others". Paul isn't the only one in La Push who's possessive.
A/N - Sorry it's taken so long to post this, I'm doing 10-12 hour shifts at the moment and they are very tiring. If it's any consolation I should have the next update either Sunday or Monday :).
A/N 2 - As always huge, huge thanks to those who reviewed. Reviews make me smile. *half-naked Paul and Jacob* for you guys. Also big, big thanks to everyone who read  *cookies for you*.

Chapter 10
Uneasy Meeting

Walking home, Jake wonders when he’ll stop acting like an idiot around Paul. He’s admitted to himself that he likes the guy. Bella basically knows. Paul doesn’t seem embarrassed by what he feels, so why can’t Jake be around the other boy without making a fool of himself?

He gasps as he runs into someone, falling to the ground and looking up at the pale man.

“Sorry,” he says, getting up and dusting himself off. “I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going.”

There’s something about the man that puts him on edge. He’s not sure why, maybe it’s because the guy reminds him of Cullen, and Cullen broke his best friends heart. He doesn’t really look anything like Cullen, he’s taller and stockier, with black hair falling around his face.

But they have the same dark eyes, eyes that make Jake want to run … or attack.

“That’s alright,” the man says, moving closer to him, hand brushing over his arm.

“Dust,” he says in explanation, taking a deep breath, a look of anger shining from his eyes.

“Um, I’m really sorry,” Jake replies, edging around the guy, trying to get past him.

“I’m sure,” the man says quietly, eyes flicking over Jake from head to toe. “I’m Winston Herald.”

Jake looks down at his outstretched hand, hesitating a moment, before remembering his father saying that manners were important, and reluctantly taking it.

“Jacob Black,” he replies, frowning at the cold feeling of Winston’s hand, and gritting his teeth as the other man squeezes. Jake pulls his hand away quickly, a slow ache starting in it and it takes all his will power not to cradle it against his chest.

“Pleasure, Mr. Black,” Winston says, eyes narrowed. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other.”

Giving an uncomfortable chuckle, Jake nods his head.

“Yeah, ah, sure,” he says, giving the man one more nod before turning and walking away. After a few more steps he looks back over his shoulder, the space where the other man had been empty, the man disappearing as quickly as he had appeared.

“Weird,” he mutters, rubbing his sore hand as he made his way home, steps quicker than they were before.

His hairs are standing on end as he walks into his house, feeling like someone is watching him, and he takes a long look around outside before he closes the door.

“Where’ve you been?” Rachel asks, making him jump and spin around to face her.

“Uh,” he says, shaking his head. “I went to see Paul.”

“Paul?” she asks, sitting up straighter on the couch. “Why what’s wrong with him?”

He tries not to grit his teeth, knowing that he can’t blame his sister for liking the guy. It’s not like she even knows that Jake likes him. And why does there have to be something wrong with Paul for Jake to go see him?

“He was attacked,” he answers, sitting down on the couch and leaning his head back, closing his eyes, trying to push his thoughts away. “But he’s okay.”

“Yeah?” she asks, pulling her legs up under her and turning her full attention on him. “You spoke to him?”

“Yeah, he was tired, but seemed okay,” he replies, stretching his legs out.

“What did he say?” she asks.

“Well, he didn’t really say a lot,” Jake says, opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling. “But I could tell he was feeling better.”

After we kissed, he continues in his head, smiling as he remembers the way Paul had seemed to relax after.

“Did … did he say anything about anyone?” Rachel asks.

Turning his head, he sees the hopeful look on his sister’s face and feels bad for keeping what he and Paul had been doing from her.

“Uh, Rach,” he says, moving uncomfortably on the couch, trying to think of the best way to tell her about him and Paul. “Paul-”

“I know,” she says, holding her hand up and stopping him.

“You know?” he says, voice squeaking embarrassingly.

“Paul told me,” she replies, looking sadly back at the T.V.

“Paul told you?” he parrots, feeling his eyes widening.

“Yeah,” she murmurs, hand running through her hair. “Do you know who it is?”

“Do I …” he begins to repeat, before what she said catches up with him. Paul told her he was seeing someone, obviously, but not who. “Um …”

“I mean he said it was serious, but they’re not married right?” she asks, voice conveying how unsure she is. He knows Rachel, knows that she doesn’t usually say anything like this, but he can’t help but want to growl at her, for the simple fact that she likes Paul. And he isn’t sure if he’d win in a fight for Paul’s affection.

“Maybe I should go see him,” she says, starting to get up. Jake grabs her arm gently, shaking his head.

“It’s kind of late,” he says quickly, trying not to snap at her, and then trying not to blush at the curious look she sends him, obviously sensing something in his voice.

“Yeah,” she murmurs, turning away from him slowly, eyes searching something in his face.

“I’m, uh, going to go to bed,” Jake says, pushing up from the couch. “See you in the morning.”

“Night,” she replies.


It takes Jake a long time to get to sleep.

It’s a fairly cool night, but he feels uncomfortably hot, hotter than usual and it’s making it hard to sleep. Sighing, he rolls over, staring out the window and wondering when his life had gotten so weird.

Everything had been fine, he and Bella were getting along, he was fixing the bikes and having dreams about his best friend. Then Paul had come over and everything had changed.

His thoughts were pushed to the back of his head when he sees something move outside. Jolting up in bed, he moves closer to the pane, staring out the window. It all seems normal out there, nothing out of place.

But Jake knows he saw something, something pale and moving fast.

Getting out of bed, he pulls on some shoes, moving quickly to the door and striding outside.

It’s incredibly dark, but his eyes seem to adjust to it fine, letting him look around without needing to go back inside to get a torch.

He walks around the house, ignoring the voice in his head that’s telling him it’s a stupid idea to confront some freak lurking outside, instead letting an anger rise.

How dare this person come here? This was his home and he wasn’t about to let some freak make him scared in his own home.

He comes back around the house, making it to the front door, without seeing the man. He stands in the door for a few more seconds, wondering why his nose feels irritated, before turning around and walking back in.

Maybe he’d just imagined it.

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A/N - Dun! (sorry I just can't resist Dun!s). As always let me know what you thought. And hopefully will have the next chapter up by Sunday/Monday :).

fanfic: possessive, pairing: jake/paul, fandom: twilight

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