Prompt Fic - Moonlight Hug

Mar 21, 2010 15:33


Jake walks away from the bonfire, heading down towards the beach, lifting his head as it starts to rain.

Back before he phased, he would’ve been cold, would’ve been wearing multiple layers; but since he has phased, and his body temperature has been raised, he’s warm just wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

He walks down to the waters edge, letting the waves lap at his feet.

“You shouldn’t wander off by yourself,” a quiet voice says.

Turning Jake tries not to react to the other boy, tries not to recognize the way his heart beats that little bit faster, his breath coming that little bit shallower, and the smile that wants to cross his face.

He’s been able to keep everyone in the dark so far, to stop them from knowing just who he’s imprinted on.

He shudders to think what Paul would say if he actually found out.

The legend says that if your imprinted rejects you, doesn’t want you near them, that it’s worse then death, having no reason to live, no world to hang onto.

He snorts and rolls his eyes, looking back out over the water, feeling the light rain on his skin, soothing, calming.

“It’s hardly wandering off,” he replies.

“Something could happen to you,” Paul says, his voice closer to him now, every sense of Jake attuned to the other man.

“I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself,” he replies scornfully, rolling his eyes again.

“Aren’t you cold?” Paul whispers right into his ear, his arms wrapping around his waist.

Jake freezes as Paul holds onto him, his nose nuzzling the back of his neck. Paul is only slightly taller then him, but he feels encompassed by him, like Paul is surrounding him. He can’t help the hitch in his breath as Paul gently kisses the nape of his neck.

“Well?” Paul asks, pulling him even closer, his warmth heating Jake even more, as a blush crosses his cheeks.

“I-I’m fine,” Jake replies, the response he normally would’ve supplied being lost in the way Paul’s nose is moving back and forth across his neck, the movement slightly moving his newly shorn hair.

“I like your hair cut,” Paul says, hitching his chin over Jake’s shoulder, and rocking them slightly.

“What are you doing?” Jake whispers, his voice coming out husky.

“A wolf could get old waiting for you to make a move,” Paul replies, a smile evident in his voice.

Turning around in Paul’s arm, Jake looks up at the smiling face, his breath catching in his throat.

“You know?” he asks, trying not to smile when Paul chuckles.

“Yeah, Jake,” Paul answers. “Pack mind, remember?”

“I … I thought I’d hid-” he starts to say, only to be cut off as Paul leans forward covering his mouth in a gentle kiss.

“You’re not as good as hiding things as you think, Pup,” Paul replies, pulling him closer again, the two of them swaying slightly, as the rain falls lightly, the moon light shining down on them.


pairing: jake/paul, one-shot, fandom: twilight, prompt fic, fanfic: moonlight hug

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