Challenge 2--Round 10--Before & After

Sep 30, 2008 03:21

Woot!  Well, soldiers, we've made it to the last round.  This is the final battle to determine who wins the war.  It's been a blast and a privilege modding for you.  This round, all the points (entering, voting, and winning) are DOUBLED, so make sure to get your icons in.  Don't think you are in/out--last challenge's winner eeked by in the last round, surpassing the probably winner.

In the (short) tradition of Round 10 being dedicated to icon sets, I think we have a stellar one to close this challenge.  Both fanplastico and I had this idea a while ago--"Before and After".  Now that the Twilight Saga is pretty much completed (I'm still hoping for MS down the line), we know the backstory of all the vampires.  So with this icon set you will make one icon of a vampire before they were turned and another icon showing their post-turned life.  For example, you might  show Jasper in the war for the "Before" icon, and him at Forks High in the "After" icon.

This is a great opportunity to challenge yourself.  Try to think outside the box and avoid doing two identical images, except one is paler with gold eyes.  I encourage you to incorporate the character's backstory--they are all so rich and rarely depicted.

Good luck, and thanks for making this a stellar challenge!

General Rules:

1. All icons must be submitted to this post by TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. For our international participants who need help converting, try here.
2. You may submit only ONE (1) set (consisting of two icons) total. Submit your icons as a comment to this post, as an img src and a url.
3. All textures, brushes, blending, stock, and animation is allowed. 
4. Do not post your entries anywhere until after the voting is over and the results have been announced. Do not submit a previously made icon. Do not submit an icon you yourself haven't made.  Breaking any of these rules will get you disqualified.
5. Also, please post any questions concerning this round as a comment to this post. Comments are screened.
6. Participant's List, RANKINGS/POINTS, Resources, Suggestions, General Rules.

Round 10 Rules:

1. You must compose two icons as a set that depict any vampire character's life before and after turning.
2. You may use any actors, models, etc. to portray your character

Icons are due by Tuesday, October 7 at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.


round 10, entries, challenge 2

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