Challenge #2 Sign up Sheet

Jul 03, 2008 18:03

 Sign up Notes:

[01.]  Challenge #2 will officially start Monday, July 28, 2008.  This will give me enough time to wrap up Challenge #1, finish setting up Challenge #2, allow people to earn some intro points, acquire banner makers, and spread the word.

[02.]  Please sign up by commenting on this post with the username you'll be using to enter your icons and the special instructions found in the rules and regulations.

[03.] Please post all links to community promotions you do as a response to your initial sign up response.  Banner Making is a first-come first serve opportunity--CURRENTLY THERE ARE NO SPOTS OPEN.  This just helps me with organization and being able to quickly add in your bonus points.  Thanks.

[04.] "The Participant No." Heading is really just because I'd like to know quickly how many people are signed up.  It in NO WAY will represent you during the contest.

Challenge #2 Sign Ups

Participant NumberParticipant's NameBanner MakerPromotions01  yrmotherr Round 1 02  realdetective Round 4 03  mal_contentum Round 2 04  planetgal471 Round 3 05  nyaza Round 5 06  vaguelyclear Round 10 07  sarahdoesdesign Round 6 08  meteor_wish Round 7 09  kiho_chan Round 8 10  brokendartist Round 9 11  julie_weasley Bonus 1 12  bipagan Bonus 2 13  the_muffin_face  14  ladydemando  15  ksi_liv  16  thracie  17  bubbles91083 Bonus 3 18  neekbreek  19  rockpapershizzl  20  facelikepanic  21  no_apologies_86  22  unwrittenformat  23  eightlives  24  fanplastico  Alternate 25  padfoots_spirit  Alternate 26  dawnie1970  27  adair7  28  xo_daniellex3  29  redteekal  30  relyko Alternate 31 phantom_phan06  32  fomle  33 mystic_junkie   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   

challenge 2, challenge 2 sign ups

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