May 09, 2007 08:54

Assignments will be sent out at the very beginning of June, and due June 30.

Just comment with all of this:

Name/LJ Name: (so we know who you are)
E-mail: (so we know where to send your assignment)
Fandoms I Might Write: (this is totally subject to change, and you're not obligated to use the fandoms you list; this is just for us to keep track of ( Read more... )

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Comments 65

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propernice May 10 2007, 00:56:14 UTC
I just wanted to give a shout out to your icon. *Runs away*


tsarina May 9 2007, 13:33:51 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Amanda/Tsarina
Email: amajan at Gmail
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Office, David Bowie, original stuff, Swordspoint, Fionavar, WoW, The Sundering
Favorite Muppet: Um. Now is the time to bring up that I never watched Sesame Street as a child, eh? How about Fraggles? I liked Wembly because he was neurotic.
Backup status: aokay, good buddy


tornyourdress May 9 2007, 13:45:58 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Claire (tornyourdress)
E-mail: tornyourdress [at]
Fandoms I Might Write: Grey's Anatomy, Harry Potter, Jossverse, original stuff, Malory Towers, Babysitters Club, Star Trek in its various guises, etc.
Who's Your Favorite Muppet? Cookie Monster.
Can you write a backup if needed? Sure thing.


tellitslant May 9 2007, 14:33:33 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Kathryne/tellitslant
E-mail: tellitslant@LJ
Fandoms I Might Write: um... BSG, Who, Alias, Devil Wears Prada, Kushiel's Dart series, other *g*
Who's Your Favorite Muppet? MUST I CHOOSE?
Can you write a backup if needed? More than likely!


romanticalgirl May 9 2007, 14:37:16 UTC
romantical at sigma957 dotcom
Buffy, Dawsons, Muppets, Gilmore Girls, House, Hornblower, BSG, Brothers & Sisters, and many more
Kermit, though Pepe runs a close second


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