Mar 22, 2011 09:57

[France, Prussia, Spain]
"and we're the
three best friends
that anyone could have!"
"and we’ll never ever ever ever ever leave each other"



image Click to view

The quote of course comes from 'The Hangover'.

So who are your favourite trio of friends? The infamous Bad Friends/Touch Trio? Japan, Turkey and Greece? Perhaps Sealand, Seborga and Wy?

'Canon' or just plain out there, you can choose any three characters/nations you want. North Italy, Australia and Thailand; Ukraine, China and Finland; South Korea, Monaco and Belarus; any three characters/nations.

Also don't forgot that the DESSERT BLOG CREW still has a lot of claims left!

minor edit: just noticed the code chopped out the nation names :/

edit again: changed to 6 users per claim 5 users per claim, wasn't expecting so many different combinations D:

/I haven't been trying to organise this since last year, what are you talking about


1. One claim per user, 5 users per claim. F-list may claim two and may claim full claims, they will have '♫' next to their username

2. One claim = three characters (e.g. America, Japan and England). Please make sure there are actually three characters in your comment lol

3. Please do not take the code until I've approved and added your claim. Please upload the sprites to your own server (or mine will EXPLODE).

4. Once I have approved your claim and you've uploaded the sprites, put it somewhere in your journal (profile, blogcrew list etc) so it's actually in use

5. Put 'Best friends always______' and finish the sentence in your subject line so I know you've read the rules

6. You can edit the colour, size and font of the text (please keep the quote the same, yeah?). You can use different sprites from NIKUMIKE (e.g. the front facing ones, Halloween ones) - the only thing I ask is that you please leave the link back to this entry intact. You can even link the sprites to your friends if you really want, all I ask is that 'best friends' link back to this entry.

7. Please be patient with me, I am flaaaaawed

8. If for any reason you would like to switch, please put 'switch' in your subject line and tell me which claim you previously had and which you would like to change to (just so it's easier for me)


Characters you can choose from (due to availability of sprites)

America (
), Australia (
), Austria (
), Belarus (
), Belgium (
), Bulgaria (
), Cameroon (
), Canada (
), China (
), Cuba (
), Denmark (
), Egypt (
), England (
), Estonia (
), Finland (
), France (
), Germania (
), Germany (
), Greece (
), Hong Kong (
), Holy Roman Empire (
), Hungary (
), Iceland (
), Japan (
), Latvia (
), Liechtenstein (
), Lithuania (
), Monaco (
), Netherlands (
), North Italy (
), Norway (
), Poland (
), Prussia (
), Rome (
), Russia (
), Sealand ((
), Seborga (
), South Italy (
), Spain (
), Sweden (
), Switzerland (
), Taiwan (
), Thailand (
), TRNC (
), Turkey (
), Ukraine (
), Vietnam (
), Wy (



[FIRST CHARACTER NAME, SECOND, THIRD] "and we're the three" _fcksavedurl="">best friends that anyone could have!" "and we’ll never ever ever ever ever leave each other"



Please make use of 'CRT + F' (find tool) for easier navigation of this list
Sealand, Seborga, Wy - ♫unbornhope/katsuuragi /2/3/4/5

America, England, Japan- ♫calavasas / ♫gohstar /koondy /blackstuffedcat /haro /nasty_show /shuriken7 UNFORTUNATELY FULL D:

America, Canada, Netherlands - dagoras /2/3/4/5

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania- soviet_star /2/3/4/5

Belarus, Lithuania, Russia - nikonikolicious /2/3/4/5

England, Prussia, Spain - tantei_shinichi /mistyowl /meragenem /4/5

Canada, Prussia, Romano/SouthItaly - jesuisblasee /2/3/4/5

America, Australia, Canada - arachnes_web /2/3/4/5

Canada, Netherlands, Sweden - snow_princess21 /2/3/4/5

America, England, Romano/SouthItaly - 8bit_oj /2/3/4/5

Canada, Germany, Romano/SouthItaly - vegansushi /2/3/4/5

Cuba, Russia, Vietnam - ♫twoxten /1/2/3/4/5

Belarus, Belgium, Liechtenstein - sarepthegreat /2/3/4/5

France, Prussia, Spain - trishpawachunyu / colonel_alqui / heavyarms / theorangewitch / mykonos2 UNFORTUNATELY FULL D:

America, England, France - colonel_alqui / /x_malfoymanor_x /dawnofdeparture /5

Austria, Hungary, Prussia - silvertigerx /bubblefire /megumi_asakura /leekhim /thewonderlast UNFORTUNATELY FULL D:

Denmark, Norway, Sweden - ♫unbornhope / whatisnarva /2/3/4/5

Belgium, Canada, Netherlands - shineofastar /2/3/4/5

Canada, Hong Kong, Prussia - yumberryfluff /2/3/4/5

Estonia, Finland, Hungary - laurelsblue /2/3/4/5

Germany, Japan, Veneziano/NorthItaly - mizu_kanon /ponniejjingu /3/4/5

Belarus, Russia, Ukraine - taure /moriko_chanxd /3/4/5

America, England, Thailand - kojiroh_duo /2/3/4/5

Austria, England, Prussia - absolutehymn007 /2/3/4/5

America, England, Russia - madchad92 /clashotbbridge /3/4/5

Estonia, Finland, Iceland - midwinterwind /2/3/4/5

Austria, France, Switzerland - kuroikuroshii /2/3/4/5

Austria, Iceland, Norway - reiere  /2/3/4/5

England, Norway, Veneziano/North Italy - iggyluv333 /2/3/4/5

America, Canada, England - megumi16 /2/3/4/5

Austria, Prussia, Spain - himekaleafninja /2/3/4/5

America, Japan, Russia - cantabrasil03 /2/3/4/5

Belgium, Hungary, Liechtenstein - rosetteroulette /2/3/4/5

Canada, Denmark, Prussia - xsaki_uchiha /2/3/4/5

Austria, England, Switzerland - claret_stars /2/3/4/5



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