Hope it's alright to post this late here...

May 05, 2008 22:39

By: Longrun2
Giles/Faith, FRM
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss and ME; I’ve only borrowed them for a while and they will be returned, no more damaged than usual.
Thanks to tweedisgood and to empressvesica for advice, beta reading and keeping Faith American.
Will be adding link to Master List asap.

“What Faith said”

At least we’re all alive. Now, as Senior Slayer while B’s in Rome, I want a private debriefing session with Giles.

No, Rona, it’s not to badmouth you. You didn’t listen for stuff behind you. That’s Slayer 101: but we all make mistakes and no-one died this time.

We’d better go to your room, G: that’s where you stashed the ointment - we can smear each other’s backs.

(Whisper) Because someone needs to smear that stuff on you and I’m the only utterly cold-hearted callous bitch around here who can look that closely at Angel’s artwork without wanting to throw up. Also I need to drop my jeans for you to treat my legs and I like to do that in private.

Yes, I am wearing panties and you sounding nervous ain’t flattering - most guys would hope I wasn’t.

Right G, give me the jar and get that shirt off while I unscrew the lid.

You said massage all round the scratch - this is a bit deep to be called a scratch so how far? Three fingers’ width? Four fingers?

Jeez, how many of them were attacking you? I’m glad you had your toy katana.

Yeah, yeah: it’s not a toy.

Just messing with ya: I figure we'd all be dead if it was.

(time passes with occasional duet of muffled curses and clenching of teeth)

Where d’you keep bandages?

Turn over.

(more muttering)

I think that’s fixed all of them; my turn now: can you stand or do you need a rest first?

You can start with my legs.

Just leave the jeans on the floor, they’re ruined already. Would you like me to drop the panties now or later?

“Never” is not an option - I don’t plan to get buried in them - I’ll take that as “later”.

There are some scratches on my back but they ain’t that bad.

Right, let’s do them next.

No, I don’t wear a bra with this top: if you don’t want to look I can lie face down on the bed while you do my back, but I’ll feel unappreciated - if I was Buffy, I’d pout.

My ass next - you gonna pull my panties down for me, G?


So? Don’t tell me you never saw B in the buff.

What?! Well, if I’d been her, you would have, and not just for medicinal purposes.

I’ll lie face down again if you don’t want any more of the free show.

I think you should rub that a bit more.

Now the other cheek.

A bit more…

Only my chest left to fix.

No, a sports bra wouldn’t give any protection.

Yes G, you’ve got to do it because I can’t see them properly.

You said you’re supposed to massage all around the scratches, so that’s including the nipple. It’s not hard.

I meant - you know what I meant.

Ah, that’s good: a bit more, please.

I did say “please”.

You wouldn’t like me to think you’re groping me; but I might.

Well, will you promise to grope me if I promise not to think?


Now the other one.


What do you think I’m doing? Getting your pants down. That’s what I meant by “debriefing”.

Sure, I’m horny but I’ve earned this. I’ve saved two spastic slayerettes, killed three demons, helped you get the whole team home alive, and patched you up without throwing up. My Watcher has an erection and that belongs inside me and I want it now.

C’mon, G - you want it too.

Darn tootin’ I’ve earned it.


Harder, you can’t hurt me.

Yeah, that’s better.

Don’t stop. Sure I’m all right: mebbe cracked a rib when I hit the floor but it’ll heal.

I won’t be OK if you stop.

Yeah, that’s it - keep going.



Oh, yeeaah

Ooooh, yeeeaaah

What are you doing here, kid? Yes, we’re OK; we’re lying on the floor because we’re tired. No, we don’t need your help. Go away.

Shit! I knew she’d throw up if she looked at your back.
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