2008 Giles H/C Ficathon - thank you!

May 05, 2008 11:41

Well, that was awesome, you guys. antennapedia and I want to thank everyone who wrote and/or read and commented this last week. We have (thus far) thirty stories covering nine pairings and with some really great gen thrown in as well. Even if you've been following along here at tweedandtea, I highly recommend checking out the Master List, because a few stories weren't posted here.

If you have a story but didn't finish in time - no worries! Comment at any time to the master list and I will update it. As antennapedia said in the original sign up post, we will take stories for these prompts until LJ crumbles to dust.

Finally, in case people are interested, I have posted a wee bit of h/c meta to my personal journal, mostly musings on my own experiences writing for the ficathon and on h/c as a genre.

Once again, thank you, everyone! It was truly fabulous. :-)
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