The 2008 Giles Hurt/Comfort Ficathon

Mar 05, 2008 11:36

Mmmm, hurt/comfort. Let's have a lot of stories about Giles getting banged up, or helping his banged-up friends and lovers.( Details behind the cut... )

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Comments 52

ladyforash March 5 2008, 20:13:36 UTC
Giles caring for Buffy after her mother's death, season 5. Highest rating possible.


antennapedia March 14 2008, 01:47:26 UTC
Mmm, Giles as comforter. Thanks, it's on the list!


gileswench March 5 2008, 20:32:18 UTC
Buffy cares for Giles when he's injured in battle. Any point post-S3 to post-Chosen. Any rating so long as it's plausible compared to the injuries suffered.


antennapedia March 14 2008, 03:28:37 UTC
Mmm, tasty. On the prompt list it goes!


sahiya March 5 2008, 21:18:38 UTC
Buffy caring for Giles after the events of "Passion." Gen.

Post-Chosen, Giles suffers some minor-to-moderate illness. Scoobies of your choice rally to help him, much to his chagrin.

Giles/Joyce during Joyce's illness.

Giles nurses Ethan back to health after the Initiative gets done with him.

Post-"Revelations," Buffy visits Giles in the hospital.

Post-Chosen, Xander is either injured in the line of duty or catches random tropical virus #298 while in Africa. Giles takes care of him.

Post-Chosen, comics canon. Giles catches the flu at some point while he and Faith are doing whatever it is they're doing. Faith forced to take care of him. Do either of them survive?

Character of your choice helps Giles cope after he learns of Ethan's death.


shapinglight March 5 2008, 21:42:29 UTC
Been done before but never mind. Post-The Gift. Spike comforts a grief-stricken Giles. Any rating.


antennapedia March 14 2008, 00:59:50 UTC
Done before because it's so satisfying, that's what I say. Thanks for the prompt!


noelia_g March 5 2008, 22:11:02 UTC
Giles/Xander, post-Gift.

Giles with a cold, post-Chosen, any of the core!four caring for him.

Giles/Buffy, s4, Buffy taking care of injured Giles.

Giles/Ethan, Ethan caring for Giles.

Giles/Fred, post-Pylea crazy!Fred.

Giles/Anya, Anya's attempt at comfort.

Giles/Faith, Giles patching Faith up after a patrol.

this sounds brilliant :)


antennapedia March 14 2008, 00:59:09 UTC
Excellent prompts, thanks! And they're on the list.


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