The 2008 Giles Hurt/Comfort Ficathon

Mar 05, 2008 11:36

Mmmm, hurt/comfort. Let's have a lot of stories about Giles getting banged up, or helping his banged-up friends and lovers.

Hurt/comfort. It's fandom's bread and butter, and we seem especially fond of it when it involves our favorite librarian with a tendency to get knocked on the head. Giles knocked unconscious (again - and again), shot with his own crossbow, bruised by his Slayer in training, tortured by Angelus, stabbed with a spear - canon is rife with the hurt, but we rarely get to see the comfort, which we all know is the best part. Thus, we bring you the 2008 Giles Hurt/Comfort Ficathon!

This will be a prompt-based ficathon, rather than an exchange. Anyone can submit prompts, even if you think you won't be participating. The more inspiration, the better! Prompts can be claimed by multiple people, so don't worry that someone will beat you to that perfect prompt once they go up. And hey, if you want to claim more than one prompt, we're happy to see it! Also, submit as many prompts as you like.

What prompts should look like

Answer at least one of who? when? how? All prompts must include Giles and hurt/comfort somehow.

Post-Becoming, Giles and Willow in the hospital. Gen.
Giles cares for somebody with the flu, season 5.
Giles/Jenny, fixing up that crossbow bolt injury.
Giles/Ethan, post-Gift.

Prompt away! Just comment here.

The 2008 Giles Hurt/Comfort Ficathon

Organizers:sahiya & antennapedia
Prompt collection: now until March 16
Prompt claiming: March 16 - 23
Stories due: April 27
Minimum length: 500 words
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April 2008 S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
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