Kink: Aliens Make Them Do It

May 15, 2010 21:15

Sorry this is coming so late in the week. I was caught off guard by an unscheduled work trip and the flu ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

remuslives23 May 16 2010, 05:14:29 UTC
Woo hoo! One of my many kinks! I'll have fun going through this list once the kids are in bed!


wynkat1313 May 16 2010, 20:27:42 UTC
Awesome list! Love AMTDI stories :)

Got one to add to the list:

If the SUV's Rockin', You Should Really Come Knockin'
by blue_fjords
Pairings: Owen/Suzie/Tosh/Jack/Ianto; Gwen/Ianto, Tosh/Owen; Rhys/Gwen/Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Aliens Made Them Do It. In the SUV. Three different times.


kahtyasofia May 16 2010, 20:54:08 UTC
How did I miss that one? I scoured AO3! Oh well, that's why this is interactive! Wooohooo!


wynkat1313 May 16 2010, 21:04:13 UTC
*hangs head in shame* that would be because I gave you the wrong url! argh...

here's the correct one:

gah... sorry!


kahtyasofia May 16 2010, 21:12:06 UTC
Ah! Thanks! I bet this is a good one!


sanginmychains May 17 2010, 02:35:35 UTC
You recced me! I'm so pleased. But, uh, it's saNginmychains, not saginmychains. I get that all the time. I sort of like it, it makes me sound like some kinda hardcore BDSM chick, but no, just a lit. nerd, here.

I totally love this comm and I look forward to new entries. So much good reading to be found. But I'll admit it, I clicked on this entry first and foremost thinking, hey I wrote an AMTDI -- I wonder if it's there. And it is! Which made me feel /much/ less silly for checking.

Off to read now, and then off and on for a few days. Yay! New kink and seek!


kahtyasofia May 17 2010, 04:16:04 UTC
What? No! Really? All this time I've had it wrong! Ugh! Really, saginmychains has always seemed so perfect!

Hey, I do the same thing when a kink is posted that I know I wrote! I'm always thrilled when I'm rec'd! I appeal to such a narrow audience, it doesn't happen to me often!

Your story was a surprising treat. I don't know how I'd missed it before, but as I read it to know how to categorize it, I realized it touched my heart and that I had to actually REC it, and not just list it.


sanginmychains May 19 2010, 00:34:47 UTC
A lot of people missed it. It was a very major labour for me to get the thing written and finished - I started it while still pregnant, managed to get it to beta when baby was 6 mos old, and back from beta when she was 9 mos. When I had it back, I didn't wait, I just posted it. Two days before Christmas, I think. Strangely, a lotta people are not trolling the comms and their flist for fic when they're busy with the Christmas rush. It was a bit of a letdown for me, because I had worked SO HARD on this, it was kind of my "look I'm back!" offering to fandom, but it's just how it is. It's not just about workign hard, it's about the right thing for the right people at the right time. I'm over it...mostly. Not so over it that I don't get probably overly happy at hearing someone, anyone, say that they liked it.

The name is from the Dylan Thomas poem, Fern Hill: "oh as I was young and easy, in the mercy of his means/ time held me green and dying/ though I sang in my chains like the sea." Love that poem.


kahtyasofia May 21 2010, 05:38:16 UTC
I have so many stories that I wrote that I love that just never got read. There is just no predicting it. However, comms like this will surly get you some mileage. Personally, I think some of the best written stuff out there is the least read.

There is something about writing slash and having a name SAGinmychains that seems so perfect. SANG is a nice name, but sag just seemed so perfect!


ficreader2 May 17 2010, 06:07:54 UTC
How about this one? (try your best, think about it later)... one of my old favorites.


kahtyasofia May 18 2010, 05:03:57 UTC
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! I read this one awhile back! I totally forgot about this but yes, it's an intriguing read!


dm811 May 18 2010, 03:19:29 UTC
Oh Good God! I freaking LOVE this kink. May be my favorite actually. But it's hard to find them with actual plot and good characterization. I'm sooo looking forward to reading these! Yay, thanks!


kahtyasofia May 18 2010, 04:34:41 UTC
Oh, for characterization and hotness, read A Matter of Honor. For plot, When in Rome. The Dog When the Bell Rings will just pull at your heart strings.

The others are varying degrees of hotness, but those first four will hit the spot for you, I'm sure.


dm811 May 25 2010, 01:32:02 UTC
Ok, I was going to reply with my favorites listed, but I'd basically be retyping every title! I'd read about a third of these before (but don't think I let stop me from re-reading them ;}).

But you were completely right! 'Matter of Honor' is an old fav, and a series of mental pictures that I will treasure/perve-on always <3. 'When in Rome' was on of my first forays into this pairing. I think it's the reason I love this kink so. And 'The Dog When the Bell Rings' was new to me, Yay! And Woah is it hot! There is some pressure build up in that one, that's really hard to come by in fic.


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