The 100W Event, Ten/Master/Jack (Sports)

Aug 20, 2008 12:36

Pairing: Ten/Master/Jack, variations thereof
Challenge: 14 Sports
Rating: PG - hard R.
Warnings: Silly, naughty, a bit of violence and death, non-explicit-ish sex, some schmoop. A mix.
Spoilers: AU from “Last of the Time Lords”
Notes: Seeing as the Olympics seems to be on my tv 24/7, and keeps me up far too late, I figured what’s the harm in ( Read more... )

characters: jack harkness, characters: simm master, fic of the week, challenge: sports, characters: tenth doctor

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Comments 19

petit_fox August 20 2008, 18:40:27 UTC

I'll go for the triathlon. Seriously.


metztlimoon August 20 2008, 19:06:18 UTC
Oh, this is all kinds of awesome :) *adds to memory*


shinodabear August 20 2008, 21:18:07 UTC
Thank you so much!


shinodabear August 20 2008, 21:17:50 UTC
Who wouldn't? ;P


vail_kagami August 20 2008, 19:54:29 UTC
Oh, these are fantastic!
I laughed, and I shivered... It was almost perfect. The only thing that kept them from being absolutely perfect is something that's not your fault, but not something I can help either: I don't like the Master/Jack pairing.
No, that's not really true. I thought I disliked it, but really, I despise it. Not as much as I hate Master/Ianto, bit it's close. Your drabbles made me realise that: Often I thought "Oh, this is great! If only it was another pairing." Which only proves that you are a great author, because I read them anyway.
That silly dislike of mine spoiled these wonderful drabbles a bit for me. The Jack/Master ones left a sour aftertaste and before reading the next I always worried it would be another one.
Sorry, I'm rambling. Great story, in any case!


shinodabear August 20 2008, 21:26:42 UTC
Thank you.

Often I thought "Oh, this is great! If only it was another pairing." Which only proves that you are a great author, because I read them anyway

That's an amazing compliment. Thank you. We all have our likes and dislikes. I will admit Master/Jack is losing just a bit of its spark for me. In the beginning, I loved the pairing. Now I just can't see it without the Doctor somehow involved. Also? I'm guilty of writing Master/Ianto. *G* Just one, though.

Thanks for reading through the icky parts. :)


(The comment has been removed)

shinodabear August 20 2008, 22:32:12 UTC
Woohoo! :) Thank you, hon.


joolz01 August 21 2008, 03:07:59 UTC
That's so cute! A fun idea well done.

“Stop it.”

Somewhere to his left, Jack calls out “But I was only saying hello.” It’s an automatic response.



shinodabear August 21 2008, 18:30:18 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked.


johnliz4ever August 21 2008, 12:41:59 UTC
Brilliant. I love this. It's fantastically written

For his part, the Master observed the crowd and waited until the best possible moment to shout, “Manchester United are a bunch of fairy-wanking poofters!”.

Lol, for once I agree 110% with the Master. That as to be my favourite line.


shinodabear August 21 2008, 18:33:38 UTC
Thanks! So glad you liked. Being completely ignorant about football, I figured I might able to get away with the Man-U line without getting clobbered.


johnliz4ever August 21 2008, 18:39:50 UTC
Well I think all footballers are talentless wankers so any line dissing football and footballers is going to be fantastic in my book.
I don't think you'll get clobbered. I don't know many Man-U fans who read slash. :)


shinodabear August 21 2008, 18:46:09 UTC
Good to know. ;)


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