Title: Shadow Play
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Captain Jack Harkness/Captain John Hart
challenge: smokeRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Spoilers for Torchwood episode 2x01, "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang". Cross-posted to
my Dreamwidth account,
my lj,
guns_n_poodles, and to
my fanfiction journal.
Shadow Play
Captain John Hart knew all about the strangeness of time. It flits past, or conversely lingers like the last touch of moonlight on the roses of a forbidden garden.
Hart felt every microsecond of the years, the centuries, the millennia he spent looking for Captain Jack. Jack's legend flickered like flames around him, leaving only shadows. Jack was the Time Agent who had so deftly escaped time.
When he found Jack, the hours tripped over like fireworks, explosive and disastrous, until Jack slipped out of his grasp.
Jack was smoke, elusive and impossible to hold.
John was fire, and burned.