Title: Mourning Mary
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Captain Jack Harkness
challenge: episode tagRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Episode tag for Torchwood series 1, episode 7, "Greeks Bearing Gifts". Cross-posted to
my lj, and to
Mourning Mary
"You shouldn't be alone," said Jack, who walked her home. Tosh had no strength to argue. She poured herself a nice stiff scotch, but her hands shook. He steadied her.
"I don't understand why she wanted to kill me," she said. "I loved her."
"There's no sense in it," he said. "Just bad luck."
Jack held her, quietly comforting. She'd always held him in awe: her mysterious saviour, a dangerous hero. She hadn't known he could be kind. Perhaps no one was ever what they appeared to be.
She cried herself to sleep, and he was gone when she woke.