Femslash February

Jan 25, 2013 17:50

  • This is a femslash fest, so the main pairing needs to be between two ladies. There can be other pairings in the fill, but focus on the ladies.
  • That being said, gen and pre-slash fics are OK! You can focus on a platonic relationship, a romantic one, or neither. It's any story you want to tell.
  • Any kind of fill/entry is welcome: fanfic, art, fanmixes, anything you want to create.
  • All pairings are welcome. All ladies deserve love.
  • Prompts can be filled multiple times.
To pimp this fest:

http://tw-ladies.livejournal.com/610.html" target="_blank">bannerpimphttp://i48.tinypic.com/2laes8g.png" title="bannerpimp" width="350" />
http://tw-ladies.livejournal.com/610.html" target="_blank">Teen Wolf Ladies' Femslash February Comment Fest!

To leave a prompt, leave a comment with:
Pairing and/or characters:
Anything else:

Prompt! Fill! Love ladies! Enjoy!

femslash february, mod!post

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