Jun 28, 2005 21:52
This is my final LJ post.
Jun 26, 2005 20:58
...and he found himself wondering, as he detachedly stirred the ice with his straw, if the waitress had noticed the redness of his eyes, or the shiny streaks on his face.
Jun 25, 2005 14:37
nomatter how small or fleeting,
is like the martial arts.
Letting someone get close
gets you hurt.
Jun 25, 2005 14:28
It's amazing how, one week, someone can make you feel important...and the next, like yesterday's garbage.
It's becoming even harder to count on people and I refuse to give chase, anymore.
I don't need this shit.
Jun 24, 2005 15:30
Could I ever run my fingers through your hair?
Could I be present in your mind when I'm not there?
Could I be the sun
To burn away the rain that's come?
Jun 22, 2005 00:27
I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
-Sarah McLachlan
Jun 21, 2005 23:04 any of you who value my friendship in any way:
If you say you're going to do something.
Do it.
If I can't count on you, you're not my friend.
I'm sick of being let down, and I refuse to tolerate it any longer.
Jun 13, 2005 19:42
For years, I've been a human bandage.
And people don't have any use for a bandage, after it's healed their wounds, do they?
They simply throw it away, once it's served its purpose, and never think about it again.
I've come to the end of my roll.